Ultraman Wiki
Ultraman Wiki

Brian Haughton Brian Haughton 14 March 2014

Question of the Week 3/14/14

Hey Guys! Well, I bet you know how it goes, if not refer to the earlier questions. Well, let's get started!

This Week's question is:

What is your favorite defense squad? Such as the SSSP, Ultra Garrison, MAT, etc. 

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Brian Haughton Brian Haughton 10 March 2014

Monster Fight 3/10/14

Hey guys! This is a new thing I am going to start doing where monsters fight monsters. (No Godzilla monsters)Here's how it works:

I put up a fight:

Example: Godzilla vs Mothra

(This is an example, that's why I'm using Godzilla Monsters)

Comment: Godzilla

And whichever monster gets more votes wins, and will be acknowledged in the next Monster Fights!

Sound like a plan?

Ok, let's do it for real.

Bemstar vs Mukadender

Who do you think will win?

New fights every Sunday!

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Brian Haughton Brian Haughton 7 March 2014

Question of the Week 3/7/14

I'm pretty sure you guys know what you're doing, if not refer to my earlier Question of the Week blog posts.

Here's this week's question:

What's your favorite Kaiju or Seijen from the original Ultraman ? (1966-1967) Why?

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Brian Haughton Brian Haughton 28 February 2014

Question of the Week 2/28/14

Hey Guys! I've got another question for you.

But before that I'll tell you how it goes, here's an example (don't answer)

Question: What's your favorite color?

Comment: Red

Here's the question:

If you could have an Ultraman fight a monster from any Godzilla movie (here's the wiki: Wikizilla) what Ultraman vs what Godzilla Kaiju would you choose?

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Brian Haughton Brian Haughton 21 February 2014

Question of the Week 2/21/14

Hey guys! Here's the question of the week for February 21, 2014

What cartoon or anime character looks like an Ultraman or kaiju? Not the ultramen themselves!


What's your favorite color?


What's your favorite color?


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