Ultraman Wiki

1. Ultraman Teacher (ウルトラマン先生, Urutoraman Sensei)

Synopsis: As signs of monsters appear, Takeshi Yamato gains a new job as a science teacher. However, a menace is approaching his school.

Kaiju: Crescent

2. The Teacher's Secret (先生の秘密, Sensei no Himitsu)

Synopsis: Tempers flare as UGM scare off cause the monster Gikogillar during an attack. Meanwhile, back at school, a student goes missing with Takeshi investigating.

Kaiju: Gikogilar

3. First-Love Monster (泣くな初恋怪獣, Nakuna Hatsukoi Kaijū)

Synopsis: Shinichi is heartbroken after losing his girlfriend to another boy. Will his resentment grow so great, it becomes a monster it is inappropriate monster whose name we can not say?

Kaiju: Hoe

4. For the Love of the Sky (大空より愛をこめて, Ōzora Yori ai o Komete)

Synopsis: A student is unhappy about his sister's impending marriage just as a monster appears and mirrors the students emotional state!

Kaiju: Zandrias (Mother and Son)

5. Streets of Illusion (まぼろしの街, Ma Boroshi no Machi) BLOOD

Synopsis: Aliens known as the Bam abduct Yamato so he can't interfere with their invasion plan. It's up to Yamato to stop the plan and the evil robot Mechagiras in the process.

Kaiju: Alien Bam, Mechagiras

6. Boy from the Stars (星から来た少年, Hoshi kara Kita Shonen)

Synopsis: Akio believes that he's an Alien from another planet, not a human boy. Can Takeshi help him understand the truth?

Kaiju: Abdolaars

7. Operation Silent Tokyo (東京サイレント作戦, Tōkyō Sairento Sakusen)

Synopsis: A plane crashes after its engine go silent UGM launches a large operation to try and stop the monster responsible.

Kaiju: Noiseler

8. Revival of a Legend (よみがえった伝説, Yomigaetta Densetsu)

Synopsis: UGM is investigating a mountain area while Takeshi is conducting a field trip. Their paths cross when a monster awakens from the region's legends.

Kaiju: Tabra

9. Airport Emergency (エアポート危機一髪!, Eapōto Kikiippatsu!)

Synopsis: The head teacher wants to arrange a marriage for Kyoto. Takeshi wants to put a stop to it, but a monster's appearance keeps interrupting his plans.

Kaiju: Gabishale

10. The Visitor From Space (宇宙からの訪問者, Uchu kara no homonsha)

Synopsis: Takeshi's childhood friend Aruma visits Earth. She plays pranks on his students, who take her tricks too seriously.

Kaiju: Aruma, Jacky, Zuruzla

11. Gas Panic Horror (恐怖のガスパニック, Kyōfu no Gasupanikku)

Synopsis: A small monster arrives and is quickly destroyed. However, an innocent-looking shell may cause more damage than realized.

Kaiju: Medan

12. The Beautiful Transfer Student (美しい転校生, Utsukushī Tenkōsei)

Synopsis: A young transfer studenT joins Takeshi's class and steals the heart of one of his students. Not everything is as it initially seems, can love overcome duty?

Kaiju: Alien Vibros, Gora

13. Formation Yamato (必殺! フォーメーション・ヤマト, Hissatsu! Fōmēshon Yamato)

Synopsis: The leadership of other branches of UGM are being assassinated and Japan's Captain is suspected to be next. Just when it couldn't get worse accusations of murder interrupt the chain of command.

Kaiju: Alien Gorgon, Saramandora

14. Teleportation! The Man From Paris (テレポーテーション! パリから来た男, Terepōtēshon! Pari Kara Kita Otoko)

Synopsis: Chief Itou comes to Japan to join UGM. He seems too good to be true, but puts the officers through harsh training.

Kaiju: Zarudon

15. The Laboratory of Doctor Demon (悪魔博士の実験室, Akuma Hakase no Jikken-shitsu) DEATH

Synopsis: Sera, UGM's head of PR, wants to save a baby monster. But the scientist Nakagawa wants to use the monster in his experiments.

Kaiju: Myu

16. The Mysterious Snow Art from Space (謎の宇宙物体スノーアート, Nazo no Uchū Buttai Sunōāto)

Synopsis: UGM investigates the beautiful space artifact, Snow Art. They decipher a warning left by the Ruriya Aliens, but too late.

Kaiju: Alien Ruria, Devilon

17. Flight to The Eerie Monster Island Part 1 (魔の怪獣島へ飛べ!! 前編, Ma no Kaijū Shima e Tobe!! Zenpen)

Synopsis: A group of UGM officers goes to investigate Shiokaze Island. Although the island is a vacation spot, the officers find it deserted.

Kaiju: Lavras, Daron

18. Flight to The Eerie Monster Island Part 2 (魔の怪獣島へ飛べ!! 後編, Ma no Kaijū Shima e Tobe!! Kōhen)

Synopsis: Takeshi and the UGM officers try to track down a mysterious woman who seems to be able to control monsters. Is she friend or foe?

Kaiju: Lavras, Daron, Gymaira

19. Directive: Destroy the Planet (はぐれ星爆破命令, Hagure-boshi bakuha meirei)

Synopsis: The rogue star Red Rose is on a collision course with Earth. UGM plans to save Earth by using nuclear weapons to destroy Red Rose in space.

Kaiju: Gaus

20. The Army of Bloodsucking Balls (襲来!! 吸血ボール軍団, Shūrai! ! Kyūketsu bōru gundan) DEATH BLOOD VIOLENCE

Synopsis: After a spaceship crash, UGM finds the bodies of those aboard drained of blood. And now, the blood-sucking balls are attacking Earth!

Kaiju: Okorin Ball

21. Shine for Eternity! Space GMan 85 (永遠に輝け!! 宇宙Gメン85, Eien ni kagayake!! Uchū jīmen 85) DEATH

Synopsis: UGM investigates reports of monster sightings. Takeshi meets an alien who appears monstrous, but is actually on a mission.

Kaiju: Alien L85 Zuckal, Gamos

22. When the Planets Make a Line, Something Will Happen (惑星が並ぶ日 なにかが起こる, Wakusei ga Narabu hi Nani ka ga Okoru)

Synopsis: An unidentified object causes a solar eclipse. UGM investigates who launched the object, and discovers a lost civilization.

Kaiju: Underground Men, Queen Einus, Gomora II

23. SOS! Invasion of the Space Amoeba (SOS!! 宇宙アメーバの大侵略, Esuōesu!! Uchū amēba no dai shinryaku) DEATHBLOOD

Synopsis: Space amoebas have killed everyone aboard the Space 7. Can UGM prevent the Space 7 and its deadly cargo from reaching Earth?

Kaiju: Amoeza

24. Star of the Traitorous Android (裏切ったアンドロイドの星, Uragitta andoroido no hoshi)

Synopsis: Aliens invite Earth to join the utopian Galactic Federation. UGM is suspicious of the aliens' offer.

Kaiju: Robo-Fo, Alien Fantas

25. Beautiful Challenger (美しきチャレンジャー, Utsukushiki charenjā)

Synopsis: Jun, a UGM cadet, keeps trying to outdo Emi. Will Jun's challenges go too far?

Kaiju: Argon

26. Shadow Warriors in the Time Tunnel (タイムトンネルの影武者たち, Taimuton'neru no kagemusha-tachi)

Synopsis: Takeshi and Emi accidentally travel to an alternate dimension. Who is the princess that, somehow, looks exactly like Emi?

Kaiju: Gera, Akuzone

27. White Demon of Fear (白い悪魔の恐怖, Shiroi Akuma no Kyōfu)

Synopsis: A deadly fluid kills at random, dissolving human bodies. What is this phenomenon's connection to the advanced Algo Aliens?

Kaiju: Alien Argo

28. Lullaby of the Migrating Monster (渡り鳥怪獣の子守歌, Wataridori Kaijū no Komori Uta)

Synopsis: A monster egg hatches, and the baby monster imprints on Takeshi. UGM tries to keep the baby safe until it's old enough to fly away.

Kaiju: Val, Zakira

29. Wrath of the Emperor (怪獣帝王の怒り, Kaijū teiō no ikari)

Synopsis: A crooked village chief hopes to attract tourists to his village with a monster scam. But then the real monster Kiyathi awakens...

Kaiju: Cathy

30. Lost Friend in the Desert (砂漠に消えた友人, Sabaku ni kieta yūjin)

Synopsis: A spy seems to be monitoring UGM's movements. Is the culprit one of the reporters who works with Sera?

Kaiju: Alien Zatan, Zatan Silver

31. Flying Seed of a Monster (怪獣の種飛んだ, Kaijū no tane tonda)

Synopsis: Mariko's sick mother loves flowers. When a strange seed lands in Mariko's garden, she tries to make it grow.

Kaiju: Zora

32. Ship on the Sea of Darkness (暗黒の海のモンスターシップ, Ankoku no umi no monsutāshippu)

Synopsis: Ships begin to vanish in the Pacific ocean causing UMG to theorise a monster at work. Takeshi meets young a boy who is somehow involved. Can the mystery be solved before the next ship is gone forever?

Kaiju: Barrack Ship

33. The Boy-Made Monster (少年が作ってしまった怪獣, Shōnen ga tsukutte shimatta kaijū)

Synopsis: A hospital reports a monster sighing to UGM. But when UGM arrives on the scene, the monster is nowhere to be found.

Kaiju: Gazera

34. I Caught a Strange Fish (ヘンテコリンな魚を釣ったぞ!, Hentekorin'na sakana o tsutta zo!)

Synopsis: Osamu buys a strange fish on his way back from the beach. He puts it in his saltwater tank at home, and it begins to grow...

Kaiju: Angoras

35. The 99th Year Dragon Festival (99年目の竜神祭, 99-Nen-me no ryūjin-sai)

Synopsis: Every 99 years, the dragon gem must be polished at the Dragon God Festival. But this time, strange forces work to steal the gem.

Kaiju: Fire-Draco

36. Let's Go! Stag Beetle Wintering Team (がんばれ! クワガタ越冬隊, Ganbare! Kuwagata ettō-tai)

Synopsis: UGM is on high alert, due to an inversion that causes mirages. But the monster Guwaganda attacks, fueled by a young boy's anger.

Kaiju: Guwaganda

37. Alien Baltan's Fearful Zoo Operation (怖れていたバルタン星人の動物園作戦, Osorete ita Barutansei hito no dōbu~tsuen sakusen)

Synopsis: Children who won a contest get to tour UGM. Baltan appears to exploit the jealousy of a boy who didn't win.

Kaiju: Alien Baltan V

38. The Voice of the Father of Ultra (大空にひびけ ウルトラの父の声, Ōzora ni hibike urutoranochichi no koe)

Synopsis: No one believes Futoshi's father really saw a monster. Does a monster really lurk near Nakatsudai?

Kaiju: Ghostdon

39. I Am the Monster (ボクは怪獣だ〜い, Boku wa Kaijū da~i)

Synopsis: Some kids find a UFO. One of them swallows it, and then transforms into a monster.

Kaiju: Tetsuon, Space Plant

40. The Mountain Sumo Boy (山からすもう小僧がやって来た, Yama kara sumō kozō ga yattekita)

Synopsis: The sumo spirit Sumo Boy has appeared, wishing only to wrestle. But if angered, he becomes the monster Jihibikirun!

Kaiju: Jihibikiran

41.Did You See the Zero Monster Bird (君はゼロ戦怪鳥を見たくないかい?, Kimi wa zerosen kaichō o mitakunai kai?)

Synopsis: Saitou's beloved remote controlled Zero Fighter plane goes missing. Is finding it worth an encounter with the monster Balebadon?

Kaiju: Barebadon

42. The Kannon Is Strongest (さすが! 観音さまは強かった!, Sasuga! Kan'non-sama wa tsuyokatta!)

Synopsis: Two men seek a treasure buried beneath an ancient statue of Kannon. Why does young Nobuo hear Kannon calling out to him?

Kaiju: Zurasuimar

43. The Female Warrior of Ultra (ウルトラの星から飛んで来た女戦士, Urutora no hoshi kara tonde kita on'na senshi)

Synopsis: UGM investigates a spaceship crash and recovers a beautiful young woman with amnesia. Why do the Rattler Aliens pursue her?

Kaiju: Alien Galagala, King Galtan

44. Duel! 80 vs Seven (激ファイト! 80VSウルトラセブン, Geki Faito! 80 VS Urutorasebun)

Synopsis: A biker gang assaults a young boy who loves Ultraseven. Now, Ultraseven appears to torment the bikers.

Kaiju: Delusion Ultraseven

45. The Never-Ending Challenge of the Baltan (バルタン星人の限りなきチャレンジ魂, Barutansei hito no kagiri naki charenji tamashī)

Synopsis: Masaya tries to hoax his friends with fake UFO photos. Or is he just a pawn of the Alien Baltan?

Kaiju: Alien Baltan

46. The Unforeseen Revival of Red King (恐れていたレッドキングの復活宣言, Osorete ita Reddokingu no fukkatsu sengen)

Synopsis: Children on a ski trip find a magic jar. The jar contains the genie Mahjin, who grants every wish!

Kaiju: Marjin, Red King III

47. The Evil Glove. Be Careful What You Throw Out! (魔のグローブ 落し物にご用心!!, Ma no gurōbu otoshimono ni goyōshin!!)

Synopsis: Tadashi throws away his baseball glove after he loses a game. Does the glove resent Tadashi?

Kaiju: Glovusk

48. The Speed Runner from Death Mountain (死神山のスピードランナー, Shinigami yama no supīdo ran'nā)

Synopsis: The Marathon Kid comes down from the mountains to race. But when he grows angry, he becomes the monster Idatenrun!

Kaiju: Idatenran

49. 80's Greatest Peril! Transform! Lady Ultraman (80最大のピンチ! 変身! 女ウルトラマン, 80 Saidai no Pinchi! Henshin! On'na Urutoraman)

Synopsis: Two monsters work together to overwhelm Ultraman 80. Can Yullian transform and save him?

Kaiju: Plazma, Minazma

50. Ah! The Giraffes and Elephants Turned to Ice!! (あっ! キリンも族も氷になった, Ā Kirin mo Zou mo Kōri Ninatta)

Synopsis: Cap wants UGM to defeat the monster Margodon on its own. Can UGM succeed without Ultraman 80's help?

Kaiju: Margodon
