Ultra Q: Dark Fantasy(ウルトラQ dark fantasy, Urutora Kyū Dāku Fantajī) is a manga adapation of the television series of the same name. It was serialized in Kadokawa Shoten's Tokusatsu Ace magazine and was written and illustrated by Kozo Omori. Each chapter adapts an episode of the show, but in a different order and with various differences such as Goichi Sakamoto being replaced with Professor Watarai's grandson, Tatsumi Watarai.
A volume containing the first four chapters was released on April 1, 2005, although the remaining four chapters were never compiled in a volume.
In this world, there are mysterious phenomena that science cannot explain. These include invaders from other worlds, such as monsters and mysterious beings, as well as phenomena that defy human understanding.
Ryo Kusunoki, a photographer and journalist affiliated with the photo weekly magazine "MIND", is one of those who pursue such mysterious events. Alongside Professor Watarai of Teito University and his grandson Tatsumi, Ryo delves into the truth behind these strange occurrences.
Unlike in the series, Watarai's appearance resembles the mad scientist archetype, and is possibly inspired by Ichinotani from the original Ultra Q.
Kozo Omori also provided illustrations for the television series, including the manga drafts drawn by the character Kyohei Sasayama in episode 26 "The Door to Nothingness".
Ultraman (Operation Gold Rush, Umezu, Nohara, Kazumine, Operation Giant) | Ultraseven (The Targeted Star, Kuwata, Kazumine) | Return of Ultraman | Ultraman Great Fierce Battle | Ultraman Ace | Ultraman Taro (Uchiyama, Ishikawa) | Ultraman Leo | Mirrorman | The・Ultraman | Ultra Brothers Story | The☆Ultraman | Ultraman 80 | Decisive Battle! Brothers | Ultra Super Legends