Ultraman Wiki

1. The Lawless Monster Planet (怪獣無法惑星, Kaijū Muhō Wakusei)

Synopsis: The spacecraft Space Pendragon, led by Captain Hyuga, headed towards the planet Boris after communication was lost. However, they encountered mysterious interference energy and crash-landed on the Planet Boris. There, the crew encountered battles between monsters such as Telesdon, Sadola, and Red King, creatures believed to be extinct on Earth, surprising them. In front of them appeared a mysterious young man named Rei...

Kaiju: Telesdon, Sadola, Red King, Peguila (Corpse), Rei's Gomora

2. The Fifth Crewman (五人目のクルー, Goninme no Kurū)

Synopsis: While tracking Rei, Oki and Hyuga are attacked by Juran. They are saved by the monster Litra, but Litra is left in critical condition after the battle. Rei, who has lost his memory, refuses Hyuga's invitation to join them. Meanwhile, Haruna and Kumano head to Mining Base 27 in search of the cooling coil needed to repair the Pendragon, but they encounter an attack from Golza...

Kaiju: Rei's Litra (S), Mukadender (Corpse), Juran, Golza, Telesdon, Rei's Gomora

3. The Transparent Monster Attacks! (透明怪獣襲撃!, Tōmei Kaijū Shūgeki!)

Synopsis: In the wilderness of Planet Boris, Neronga and Gudon were engaged in a fierce battle. Meanwhile, aboard the Space Pendragon, Hyuga and Haruna were at odds over whether to accept Rei as a comrade when suddenly a power outage struck. Is Rei the culprit, or is there another explanation...?

Kaiju: Gudon, Neronga, Rei's Gomora

4. Bemstar Has Arrived! (ベムスター参上!, Bemusutā Sanjō!)

Synopsis: Rei was welcomed aboard the Space Pendragon as an official crew member. However, his memories had yet to return, and occasionally, the image of a petrified mysterious giant would resurface in his mind. What could its true identity be? At that moment, Bemstar attacked! Rei, along with the controlled Gomora and Litra, stood up to face the threat!

Kaiju: Bemstar, Rei's Gomora, Rei's Litra (S)

5. The Trap in Belargo City (ベラルゴシティの罠, Berarugo Shiti no Wana)

Synopsis: In Belargo City, a mysterious woman named Kate launches a Fire Golza attack against Sadola's rampage. Disguised as survivor Maki Azusa, she makes contact with Hyuga and the others. However, amidst the ongoing repair work on the Space Pendragon, the protected Azusa suddenly goes missing. Shortly after her disappearance, Fire Golza appears, prompting Rei to confront it with Gomora, but...

Kaiju: Sadola, Kate, Fire Golza, Banpira, Rei's Gomora, Gan-Q

6. Another Monster Tamer (もう一人の怪獣使い, Mō Hitori no Kaijūtsukai)

Synopsis: Azusa (Kate) threatens Rei telepathically to disappear from the ZAP crew's presence. In order to protect the crew's lives, Rei silently leaves ZAP as demanded. However, Kate breaks her promise and forces a battle by taking Oki hostage. At that moment, as the Space Pendragon arrives before the summoned Gun Q, will the Hyper Omega Cannon be able to save Rei from danger...?!

Kaiju: Kate, Twin Tail, Rei's Litra (S), Sadola, Gan-Q, Rei's Gomora

7. The Stone Which Calls Monsters (怪獣を呼ぶ石, Kaijū o Yobu Ishi)

Synopsis: Rei discovers a pendant from among the rubble. As he retrieves fragments of his memory, he heads to ZAP's research facility. There, Rei and the others find video data revealing that a meteorite that crashed onto Planet Boris summoned the monsters, leading to the planet's destruction. What could the true nature of the meteorite be?! Furthermore, what emerged from within the meteorite...?

Kaiju: Bullton, Froguros (B), Rei's Litra (S), Rei's Gomora, Neronga, Telesdon, Red King

8. The Underwater King (水中の王者, Suichū no Ōja)

Synopsis: Hyuga and the others headed towards the lake where electrical phenomena were occurring. In the lake, they found veins of Solignum, which emitted powerful heat rays when linked to electrical energy. When these veins reacted to the electrical energy from Eleking, causing the discharge phenomena, Planet Boris disappeared. Faced with Eleking, what strategy did Ray and Hyuga and the others take...?

Kaiju: Kelbim, Arstron, Eleking, Rei's Gomora

9. The Pendragon Doesn't Rise to the Surface! (ペンドラゴン浮上せず!, Pendoragon Fujōsezu!)

Synopsis: The Pendragon, shot down by King Joe Black's separated disc form, sank into the sea, causing abnormalities in its power generation system. Hyuga and the others worked hard to recover. As they approached Muruchi, Ray challenged it with Eleking. However, when Muruchi's heat ray hit the Pendragon, it lost its ability to generate electricity...

Kaiju: Angross, Gromite, King Joe Black, Kate, Arigera, Rei's Eleking, Zoa Muruchi

10. Unexpected Reunion (予期せぬ再会, Yoki Senu Saikai)

Synopsis: On Vincent Island, where a mysterious force seemed to repel monsters, there were dozens of survivors, including Haruna's brother. However, the Gotstar Dragon they had been using had a broken main engine, rendering it unable to fly. In order to procure the parts needed for its repair, the Pendragon headed towards the Gran Cape Supply Base...

Kaiju: Nova, Saramandora, Lunaticks, Rei's Gomora, King Joe Black, Kate, Rei's Litra (S), Rei's Eleking

11. Ultraman (ウルトラマン, Urutoraman)

Synopsis: Karen, a girl who was once the daughter of the director of the laboratory they visited in Belargo City. The day after Hyuga and the others heard Karen's story about the mysterious red baby, monsters appeared on Vincent Island, where monsters were not supposed to appear.

Kaiju: Red King (Flashback), Arstron (Flashback), Verokron, Rei's Gomora, Doragory, Rei's Eleking, Kate, Kate's Zetton, Rei's Litra (S)

12. Reiblood (レイブラッド, Reiburaddo)

Synopsis: Rei is troubled by his lost memories. In the midst of this, Kate makes a demand of Ray... On the other hand, the rescue team heading towards Boris is attacked by King Joe Black, forcing Hyuga and the others to escape from Boris on their own...

Kaiju: Rei's Gomora, Rei's Litra (S), Rei's Eleking, Kate's Zetton, Kate, Reimon, King Joe Black

13. Planet Escape (惑星脱出, Wakusei Dasshutsu)

Synopsis: Before Boris's artificial sun explodes, Hyuga and the others are determined to escape from Vincent Island at all costs. Meanwhile, Ray confronts Kate in battle. In the midst of their fight, Kate reveals a shocking truth. As the two continue their battle, even King Joe Black arrives on the scene! What will be the outcome of this battle?

Kaiju: Kate, Kate's Zetton, Rei's Gomora, King Joe Black, Reimon
