Twin Tail[1] is a prehistoric Kaiju from Return of Ultraman. It first appeared in episodes 5 and 6.
- Normal: Ancient Monster
- Decker: Underground Monster
Return of Ultraman

Twin Tail in Return of Ultraman
In the Jurassic period, Gudon and Twin Tail fought, and Twin Tail often used anesthetic venom to run from fights.
When an ancient egg from the Jurassic period was dug up in a construction site, MAT was called to the scene to dispose of the egg but with no success, after one of the members shot it with a ray gun, he declared it an oddly shaped rock. As MAT left to deal with Gudon, the egg was buried again by the construction crew. Shortly after, the egg increased into near Kaiju size and erupted from underground in the middle of Tokyo. Soon enough, the egg hatched and revealed the monster Twin Tail, who began to rampage in the city. Go transformed into Ultraman Jack to confront the monster, and the two had a long and difficult fight. Suddenly Gudon emerged from underground, confronting Jack and his arch rival. Outnumbered and weakened, the two monsters were too much for Jack to handle, who had no choice but to retreat. With Jack out of the way, Twin Tail and Gudon viciously collided. The victor however was never solved as the two monsters separated for the time being.
After doing some research prior to Twin Tail's hatching, MAT soon discovered that Twin Tail was the instinctive rival of Gudon, which explained why Gudon had emerged in the first place. After viewing the damage caused by the monsters, the military threatened to unleash a "Spigun" to slay the two monsters. Knowing many innocent people would die and Tokyo will be destroyed if that happened, MAT decided to try one more attack on Twin Tail and Gudon, armed with nothing but bazookas loaded with paralyzing rockets. Twin Tail appeared first from beneath the Earth and MAT launched their first attack, aiming for the prehistoric beast's eyes and blowing out one of Twin Tail's eye before Gudon erupted from the ground. Ultraman Jack soon returned and subdued Twin Tail, allowing MAT to blow out the monster's other eye. This time when Gudon returned, Jack stepped back to allow Gudon and Twin Tail to fight it out. Twin Tail received fatal wounds by Gudon after being bitten into and being slammed to the ground, killing Twin Tail. Two Giant Monsters Attack Tokyo Battle! Monsters vs. MAT
- Twin Tail's name and his two-tail features is a reference to the twin tail hairstyle. This might explain the reason behind his upside-down position, purposely to resemble a person with such hairstyle.
- This as well becomes a running joke/Japanese meme in the internet, commonly pixiv where fans would draw pictures of characters performing poses to resemble that of said monster by lying their body in an upside-down position.
- Twin Tail's costume was molded by Ryosaku Takayama.
- According to Jiro Dan (actor of Hideki Go), Twin Tail is his favorite Ultra Kaiju.
- Twin Tail appeared in the opening of Ultraman Ace but does not appear in the series.
- Twin Tail briefly appeared in Ultraseven - Operation: Solar Energy as one of the many monsters that Ultra Garrison previously encountered.
- Twin Tail originally had reversed and sped up Gubila's roars, but in subsequent appearances he uses regular Gubila roars.
- Twin Tail's suit appears in Ultraman Leo episode 9 as part of the Monster Corps Show. The statue is positioned fighting a statue of Ghostron.
- According to a child in episode 10 of Return of Ultraman, Twin Tail's egg is very similar to King Ghidorah's.
- A Twin Tail stage show suit was used for a small Kumagorus in episode 8 of Fireman.
Ultraman Mebius

Twin Tail, as seen in Ultraman Mebius.

Ultraman Mebius vs. Twin Tail
Released into the sea by Bogarl from an egg. Drawn by the heat, GUYS eventually found the egg on the seafloor. Once they dove into the sea to find it, Bogal forced the egg to hatch and it released Twin Tail. Mirai quickly turned into Ultraman Mebius, but Twin Tail was too agile in the water, and was winning. But GUYS soon discovered Twin Tail's weakness: The two, glowing blue spots on its body where its sonar organs. They attacked it, which greatly injured the monster, giving Mebius the instant he needed to destroy Twin Tail with his Mebium Shoot. Two From the Deep Sea
Later on, another Twin Tail appeared and was seen fighting another Gudon. Their fight was halted by Bogarl, who beat both monsters into submission before eating them alive. Armor of Vengeance
Sometime later, GUYS was chosen to test out new arrivals of Maquette Capsules. One suggestion was Twin Tail, but was turned down due to its limited capabilities on land. Champion of the Fierce Fight
- In this series, it's revealed that Twin Tail is a sea monster.
- Gudon and Twin Tail's battle in episode 9 was to pay homage to their instinctive rivalry, and their first appearances.
- The little green dots on Twin Tail's upper body in his original appearance are now colored blue. This also applies for his later appearances in other series.
Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle

Twin Tail, as seen in Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle.
A Twin Tail appeared one night and ambushed Rei (after he had quit the ZAP SPACY after an argument). With Gomora in recovery, this forced him to summon Litra to do battle. With the combined efforts of Litra and Rei's weapons, Twin Tail was quickly finished off by Rei's gunfire and Litra's fireballs.
- The Twin Tail suit from Ultraman Mebius was reused for Twin Tail's appearance in the series.
- Twin Tail is one of the few Kaiju in the series that does not appear in the opening credits (along with Juran, Fire Golza, Bullton, Arigera, Zoa Muruchi, Nova, Lunaticks, King Joe Black, and Zetton).
- In the first episode of the series, when Oki shows Haruna Peguila on his computer, Twin Tail's silhouette from Ultraman Mebius can be seen along with Gudon, Saramandora, Vakishim, Birdon, and Alien Mefilas.
Mega Monster Battle Ultra Galaxy: The Movie
Twin Tail reappeared in the movie Mega Monster Battle Ultra Galaxy: The Movie as one of Ultraman Belial's 100 Monster Army. He teamed up with Gudon, Guesra, Antlar, Alien Baltan, Arigera, King Silvergon, Zetton, Gomess (S), Magular, and King Goldras to take on Ultraman. He attacked Ultraman with his whip arms but, Ultraman got a hold of them quickly, and gave a kick to Twin Tail's body, sending him flying. His fate is unknown afterwards (This most likely killed him as he is not seen after this).
- The Twin Tail suit from Ultraman Mebius was reused for Twin Tail's appearance in the film.

Twin Tail as the finger
- Twin Tail is one of the monsters that makes up Belyudra's right arm in said movie. It forms the thumb and was also seen grabbing onto Ultraman Dyna.
- Twin Tail is one of the few monsters in the Belial Army to not die via explosion, alongside Bemstar, Alien Shaplay, Alien Zetton, and King Guesra.
Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Adventure
"This taste like shrimp, but it's not like there's a sea nearby this location, right?"
"It's a Twin Tail meat."
(Io and Pigmon spit their food.)
"I also have Gudon meat if you want some."
"It's okay, no thank you."
- ―Io and Alien Pedan.
A Twin Tail is a native to an unnamed planet where Io Mikura and Pigmon were banished to as a result of Bullton's power. Twin Tail ambushed Io Mikura, who responded by summoning Gomora, but the monster was too injured to fight and this forced Io to run. His path coincided with Pigmon while being chased by Gudon, so the two lured their pursuers into one another. Io and Pigmon then used the distraction from the monsters' fight to escape through a small crack. Having stranded on that planet for years, an elderly Alien Pedan resorted to whatever necessities to survive, among them eating monster meats as forms of sustenance. When Io and Pigmon took refuge in his hut, the elderly Pedan gave them Twin Tail meats that they ate before spitting it out of disgust after knowing what it is.
In Mega Monster Battle: ULTRA MONSTERS, Gudon and Twin Tail are actually fighting one another when the protagonist and Pigmon were banished to this unnamed planet. They stopped their activities when the protagonist's Battlenizer sensed the monsters, causing them to eye on the young Reionics and both being defeated by the summoned monster. After killing both monsters, a colony of Twin Tails started to appear out of nowhere, prompting Pigmon and the protagonist to run from the desert to a nearby forest.
- Io noted that Twin Tail meat taste like shrimp. This coincided with the fact that in real life, Twin Tails in Japan are often jokingly compared to a tempura (a typical Japanese dish that usually consists of seafood and vegetables that have been coated in a thin batter and deep fried) due to their almost similar design and appearance.
Ultraman Ginga
He also participated in the Dark Spark War and was turned into a Spark Doll by Dark Lugiel.
In episode 7, he along with many other monsters are seen cheering Ultraman Ginga on as he fights Dark Galberos.
He possibly restored to his original form and returned to his home universe after Ginga beats Dark Lugiel.
- In a couple of shots of Dark Lugiel's collection in Ultraman Ginga, Twin Tail's Spark Doll collection can be seen alongside Mecha Baltan, Deathfacer, Ghighi, Birdon, Mochiron, Gan-Q, Goldras, Gatanothor, Ace Killer, Alien Hipporit, Alien Babarue, and a lot of other monsters and aliens.
Ultra Fight Orb
Twin Tail was revived by Reibatos alongside Vict Lugiel, Gudon, Birdon, King Joe, and Hyper Zetton to fight Ultraman Zero and Ultraman Orb.
He teamed up with Gudon and Hyper Zetton despite being the natural prey of the former. They were quickly defeated by Zero due to the Ultra Warrior's strength and skill. After Zero and Orb defeated Hyper Zetton, Twin Tail caught Zero off guard by constricting his shoulders with his whips as well as biting him in the leg, although Zero managed to break free not too long afterwards.
Later, his old enemy, Ultraman Jack arrived to save Zero. Twin Tail joins forces with Gudon. However Twin Tail failed to hit Jack and after being thrown to the ground and being kicked is defeated by Jack's Ultra Lance. Ultra Fight Orb
Ultraman Decker

A colony of Twin Tails as they appear in Ultraman Decker.
While Ultraman Decker was dragged underground by a Gudon and Pagos, the brawl attracted the attention of a Telesdon. As the subterranean saurian advanced to join the battle, a wall crumbled and revealed a colony of Twin Tails ready to join. Vastly outnumbering the hero, Kanata summoned Agira to take care of Telesdon. With that threat taken care of, the Nursedessei took out the advancing swarm of Twin Tails right after it obliterated Pagos. Subterranean Monster Appears! And Appears!
- Following its last appearance in Ultra Fight Orb, the Twin Tail suit that had been in use since the time of Ultraman Mebius was no longer in a usable condition. However since Takanori Tsujimoto wanted the monster to appear in Decker no matter what, he decided to use Twin Tail's Shonen Rick's X-Plus figurine, as well as getting help from the synthesis department to make Twin Tail's appearance as realistic as possible in the background.[2]
- Its popularity in Ultraman Decker leads to the trending hashtag on Twitter named A Colony of Twin Tails [3] .
- Whereas Twin Tail is known with the "Ancient Monster" subtitle over the years, the one in Decker is given "Subterranean Monster" as a means of grouping it together with Pagos, Gudon and Telesdon.
- Despite their nests just being next to each other's, the official website acknowledges that the Twin Tails are still targets of Gudon in their predator-prey relationship.[4]
Ultraman: Rising
Although Twin Tail does not appear in person, his biological data is stored in the KDF database, suggesting that he was defeated by the KDF in a previous battle.Ultraman: Rising

- Stats
- Height: 45 m
- Weight: 15,000 t
- Origin: Shinjuku Building construction site, ocean floor/Tokyo (Mebius), Planet Boris (MMB), Planet Yomi (Fight Orb), 3,200 m below Sorafune City's park (Decker)
- Attack: 700
- Defense: 600
- Speed: 1000
- Weakness: The two glowing spots at the top of Twin Tail's body are sensory organs and will cause it great pain when damaged.
- Powers and Weapons
- Tail Whips: Twin Tail has two long whips atop his body, which are actually its namesake organs and can be used as a combat weapon.
- Burrowing: Twin Tail can tunnel underground at moderate speeds.
- Anesthetic Venom: Though never used in the series, this ability was mentioned by Member Kishida of MAT.
- Adept Swimmer: As revealed by GUYS documents, Twin Tail is actually amphibious and can perform better in underwater environments.
- Tail Smash : Submission attack with its tail namesake.
- Tail Rush :
- Jump Attack : A jumping attack.
- Sling Smash : A tag-team attack with Gudon, as both attack the opponent with severe whiplash before Twin Tail curls into a ball for the latter to throw with.
- Rolling Tackle : Twin Tail lies down and rolls into the opponent.
- Ultra Kaiju Battle Breeders
- Flying Bite : Twin Tail jumps at the opponent and bites them.
Spark Doll
Twin Tail as a Spark Doll was seen in Ultraman Ginga.
Return of Ultraman Kaiju | |
Takkong | Zazahn | Arstron | Sadola | Detton | Kingsaurus III | Gudon | Twin Tail | Gorbagos | Ghostron | Dangar | Stegon | Mognezun | Shugaron | Seamons | Seagorath | Eledortus | Terochilus | Bemstar | Sartan | Magnedon | Beacon | Gokinezura | Zanika | Vacuumon | Kupukupu | Kingstron | Zagoras | Nokogilin | Gronken | Varricane | Yadokarin | Oxter | Plooma | Alien Zelan | King Maimai | Alien Mates | Muruchi | Leogon | Pris-Ma | Draculas | Re-Seagorath | Re-Bemstar | Black King | Alien Nackle | Alien Varduck | Alien Black | Snowgon | Alien Baltan Jr. | Builgamo | Alien Stora | Paragon | Alien Grotes | Kodaigon | Granadas | Alien Centaurus | Robonez | Alien Cygnus-61 | Alien Messie | Alien Zoole | Red Killer | Femigon | Yametaranese | Sasahiller | Alien Ateria | Alien Mysteler | King Bockle | Alien Bat | Zetton II |