The Return of Ultraman movie is a theatrical version of episodes 5-6 combined together which premiered on July 21, 1971 at the "Toho Champion Festival," a film festival where it was shown as part of a quadruple feature alongside with Godzilla vs. Hedorah, Orphans Hatch Confession of Ballerina, The Adventures of Hutch the Honeybee Confession of Ballerina, and Inakappe Taishō Movie.
- Hideki Go : Jiro Dan
- Katsuichiro Kato : Nobuo Tsukamoto
- Takeshi Minami : Shunsuke Ikeda
- Ippei Ueno : Ko Mitsui
- Yuriko Oka : Mika Katsuragi
- Fumio Kishida : Ken Nishida
- Jiro Sakata : Hideki Kawaguchi
- Aki Sakata : Rumi Sakakibara
- Ken Sakata : Shin Kishida
- Narrator Akira Nagoya :