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Burnmite horn rub This article lacks an official name. "Monster Pteranodon" is simply how it is referred to as, due to the popularity in the fandom or how it's mentioned in-story.

The Monster Pteranodon (モンスタープテラノドン, Monsutā Puteranodon) appeared in the Dinosaur Great War Izenborg.


Dinosaur Great War Izenborg[]

Monster Pteranodon was the last pterosaur soldier of Ururu's army and was sent by Gottes to help Bororo fight Izenborg and the D-Force.


  • It uses the largest of the pteranodon props in the series.


  • Height: N/A
  • Weight: N/A
  • Origin: Underground Earth
Powers and Weapons
  • Flames: From his beak, the pterandon can spit a deadly flame.
  • Animal Mind Control: Like other foot soldiers of Ururu, the pteranodon can take over the mind of other animals.
  • Flight: Like all Pterandon's it can fly.
Dinosaur Great War Izenborg Kaiju
Ururu | Gorgo | Terrano | Stella | Tyrako | Arrow | Terara | Aroro | Monora | Alulu | Mororo | Sutego | Torara | Ranho | Torako | Tylosaurus | Parasa | Ororo | Unko | Iguno | Murara | Gororo | Kerala | Ptera | Tarbo | Sugora | Garara | Dynah | Guroro | Baton | Gallon | Gottes | Topura | Gira | Galu | ZaZa | Demos | Dororo | Gagara | Giant Gorilla | Giant Monster Gorilla | Zobina | Zobi | Terekira | Dodora | Black Maria | Dinosaur Taro | Yotandon | Monster Pteranodon | Bororo | Saberan | Bodaros | Ulusuredon | Black Gamma | Saigora | Shadow | Wara | Shizalas | Golda | Kirasaurus | Magmadon