Ultraman Wiki

0. Mirrorman Pilot Film (ミラーマン パイロットフィルム, Mirāman Pairotto Firumu)

Synopsis: The high school student Kyotaro Kagami, who lives a solitary life, visits his late mother's grave to report his high school graduation with his girlfriend Yumi. There, he receives a letter and a cross from a priest, left by his mother. The letter reveals that Kyotaro is born from a union between Mirrorman, a being from a parallel dimension, and his human mother.

Kaiju: Invaders

1. Mirrorman Is Born (ミラーマン誕生, Mirāman Tanjō) BLOOD

Synopsis: In the 1980s, the Invaders approach earth, as predicted by Dr. Mitarai. Mysterious tornadoes begin to strike Japan. Kyotaro Kagami, a photojournalist, is investigating one of the sites when he is nearly killed but saved by a mirror. When he tells Dr. Mitarai, the man who raised him, he is informed that he is not human: his father was from the Second Dimension. Kyotaro must confront this fact and decide whether to accept his identity and defend the earth as Mirrorman or not.

Kaiju: Iron

2. The Invaders Are Next Door (侵略者(インベーダー)は隣りにいる, Inbēdā wa Tonari ni Iru) DEATH

Synopsis: TBA

Kaiju: Kitty Fire

3. The Super-Express Vanishes (消えた超特急, Kieta Chōtokkyū)

Synopsis: When a train carrying Professor Maeda and his wife, two scientists integral to the development of weapons to counter the Invaders, SGM begins to investigate.

Kaiju: Darkron

4. Terror of the Cobalt 60 (コルバルト60の恐怖, Korubaruto Rokujū no Kyōfu) DEATH


Kaiju: Multi

5. Monster Bird Inbera Appears! (怪鳥インベラー現わる!, Kaichō Inberā Arawaru!) DEATH DISMEMBERMENT


Kaiju: Inbera

6. A Graveyard in the Mirror (鏡の中の墓場, Kagami no Naka no Hakaba)

Synopsis: One of the Invaders takes possession of a professional sniper's body and uses his skills to try to hunt Kyotaro down. Kyotaro is told by Dr. Mitarai that he must stay out of danger, but struggles to accept this.

Kaiju: Kitty Fire

7. Obliterate! Operation: Human Body Invasion (打倒!人体侵略作戦, Datō! Jintai Shinryaku Sakusen) VIOLENCE

Synopsis: A man is going boating when a UFO appears. He is mysteriously wrecked, but survives. However, his personality is changed, and it is discovered that he is being controlled by an Invader.

Kaiju: Gold Satan

8. Revenge of the Steel Dragon Iron (鋼鉄竜アイアンの大逆襲, Kōtetsuryū Aian no Daigyakushū)

Synopsis: Kyotaro begins to telepathically receive messages from his long-missing mother, but this may simply be another Invader plot.

Kaiju: Iron II

9. Multi Appears Riding Upon a Kite (凧に乗って来たマルチ, Tako ni Nottekita Maruchi) DISMEMBERMENT

Synopsis: Bombings begin to occur around Japan. Dr. Mitarai is called to a meeting, but it turns out to be an Invader trap and he and Yuki are captured and left in a sealed tunnel. SGM and Kyotaro must figure out the Invader plot while trying to rescue their comrades before they are killed.

Kaiju: Multi II

10. The Town Where Time Stopped (時計が止まった街, Tokei ga Tomatta Machi) DEATH VIOLENCE

Synopsis: When a mysterious green bubble appears over Namioka City, SGM begins to investigate. They discover that Yuki's brother, Hino, may be behind this Invader plot. Kyotaro must discover how to penetrate the time barrier to save the city.

Kaiju: Gravity Machine

11. Shoot the Flame Monster, Zailas! (火焔怪人ザイラスを撃て!, Kaen Kaijin Zairasu o Ute!) DISMEMBERMENT

Synopsis: The military shoots down an Invader UFO. Dr. Mitarai arms Chief with the new Sol-Gun as he goes to investigate. On site, he and Fujimoto discover a box left by the Invaders. They retrieve it, but are attacked. Murakami, however, refuses to use the Sol-Gun, and they are very nearly killed before being rescued by Kyotaro. What are the Invaders plotting, and why won't Murakami shoot?

Kaiju: Zailas

12. Here It Is! The Silver Cross (出たっ!シルバークロス, Detta! Shirubā Kurosu)

Synopsis: When a mysterious woman, Rose, starts stealing diamonds, Kyotaro suspects she may be connected to the Invaders.

Kaiju: Gold Satan

13. The Flute Playing Witch (笛を吹く魔女, Fue o Fuku Majo) DEATH

Synopsis: Kyotaro suspects a mysterious woman playing a flute of being an Invader. He reports her to SGM and also asks to join, but Dr. Mitarai refuses to allow him to become a member. SGM and Kyotaro begin to investigate separately, while Kyotaro struggles to accept Mitarai's verdict.

Kaiju: Noah

14. Defeat King Zaiger! (キングザイガーを倒せ!, Kingu Zaigā o Taose!) BLOOD DEATH (offscreen)

Synopsis: Kyotaro receives a message from his father that the Invaders are sending a monster he will be unable to defeat on his own, King Zaiger, but he decides to face it himself anyway.

Kaiju: King Zaiger

15. The Mysterious Monster Screen (謎の怪獣スクリーン―三大怪獣登場―, Nazo no Kaijū Sukurīn -San Daikaijū Tōjō-) DEATH

Synopsis: When a boy sees a kaiju in the valley, his mother and Ichiro disbelieve him. He attempts to contact SGM anyway. However, he continues seeing the kaiju and other monsters in places where SGM detects nothing. Kyotaro wishes to believe him, but cannot verify his reports.

Kaiju: Jabala, Zailas, Iron, Kitty Fire

16. Chase Kinder: The Doll Monster! (人形怪獣キンダーを追え!, Ningyō Kaijū Kindā o Oe!) DEATH VIOLENCE DISMEMBERMENT

Synopsis: Dr. Hasunuma has been working on the Catcher A-1, a weapon that will be able to immobilize Invader spaceships. The project is moving into the testing phase and he is about to send the data to the SGM headquarters. However, his home is attacked and his work stolen, while a mysterious doll makes its way into SGM's Japanese base.

Kaiju: Kinder

17. Mirrorman Entrapped (罠におちたミラーマン, Wana ni Ochita Mirāman) DEATH BLOOD

Synopsis: The Invaders frame Kyotaro for murder to render him incapable of stopping their plot to destroy Japan with radiation by blowing up a nuclear ship.

Kaiju: Chamelegon

18. Dinosaur Aroza Rises From the Dead (生きかえった恐竜アロザ, Ikikaetta Kyōryū Aroza) BLOOD

Synopsis: Kyotaro is beaten by the dinosaur Aroza and loses heart. Meanwhile, SGM determines that the Invaders are targeting one of their key defense centers. However, Kyotaro is too shaken to feel ready to transform, and his pendant is silent when he asks for help.

Kaiju: Aroza

19 Crisis! S.G.M. (危機一髪!S.G.M, Kiki Ippatsu! S.G.M.)

Synopsis: When the Invaders launch a missile towards earth, SGM discovers that the target is their HQ. At the same time, the Invaders have planted a monster among them.

Kaiju: Big Eye

20. Bodyguard from the Deep (二大怪獣出現―深海の用心棒―, Ni Daikaijū Shutsugen -Shinkai no Yōjinbō-) DEATH

Synopsis: Ships begin to be sunk along a specific location in the sea. While SGM investigates, Kyotaro is on scene to report on the matter. He discovers a monster, which is determined to be a specimen of the previously thought to be extinct Sphenodon, but is told to stay out of the matter by a reckless man who seems to have some connection to it.

Kaiju: Darkron, Sphenodon

21. Terror of Taigan: The Liquid Monster (恐怖の液体怪獣タイガン, Kyōfu no Ekitai Kaijū Taigan) ANIMAL DEATH

Synopsis: SGM has created a new satellite system for tracking and fighting Invader spacecraft. They destroy one, but discover a strange empty capsule at the crash location: a zoo from which animals have been vanishing.

Kaiju: Taigan

22. Death Duel with King Wonder: The Moon Monster (月面怪獣キング・ワンダーとの死闘, Getsumen Kaijū Kingu Wandā tono Shitō)

Synopsis: A letter reaches Kyotaro's reporting agency from a boy dying from heart disease who believes that Mirrorman can save him by bringing him a rock from the moon. Meanwhile, the Invaders have sent a monster to attack the Earth Defense Force's moon base. Dr. Mitarai, however, doubts whether Mirrorman would be able to fight on the moon.

Kaiju: King Wonder

23. Attack of Androsaurus: The Saturn Monster! (土星怪獣アンドロザウルス襲来!, Dosei Kaijū Andorozaurusu Shūrai!)

Synopsis: The Invaders steal Androsaurus' egg and bring it to earth in order to make her see humanity as her enemy and destroy them.

Kaiju: Androsaurus

24. Challenge Coldon: The Capsule Freezing Monster! (カプセル冷凍怪獣コールドンに挑戦せよ!, Kapuseru Reitō Kaijū Kōrudon ni Chōsen seyo!)


Kaiju: Coldon

25. The Monster That Dwells in the Fairy (怪獣を探す妖精少女, Kaijū o Sagasu Yōsei Shōjo)


Kaiju: Mothgojira, Haebun, Gokibura, Dustpan

26. The Certain Demise (ミラーマン・絶体絶命!―二大怪獣登場―, Mirāman Zettai Zetsumei! -Ni Daikaijū Tōjō-)


Kaiju: Snake King, Harigojira

27. Full Force Attack (総攻撃!S.G.M, Sōkōgeki! S.G.M.)


Kaiju: Harigojira

28. Challenge From A Killer (殺し屋怪獣(キーラゴン)からの挑戦状, Kīragon Kara no Chōsen-jō)


Kaiju: Killergon

29. Our Friend 'Phoenix' (わが友!フェニックス―二大怪獣対決作戦―, Waga Tomo! Fenikkusu ーNi Daikaijū Taiketsu Sakusenー)


Kaiju: Gorgosaurus, Mayasaurus

30. Relief Operation (ミラーマン救出大作戦, Mirāman Kyūshutsu Dai Sakusen)


Kaiju: Mayasaurus

31. Lightning Trick (電光石火の必殺技!―ミラクル・キック登場―, Denkōsekka no Hissatsuwaza! ーMirakuru Kikku Tōjōー)


Kaiju: Arigeida

32. Watery Death (今救え!死の海―シーキラザウルス登場―, Ima Sukue! Shi no Umi ーShī Kirazaurusu Tōjōー)


Kaiju: Sea Killersaurus

33. Ocean Floor Base (インベーダーの海底基地, Inbēdā no Kaitei Kichi)


Kaiju: Pair-Mons King

34. SGM vs Mirrorman (S.G.M対ミラーマンの決斗, S.G.M tai Mirāman no Kettō)


Kaiju: Smoke Ness, Mogura King

35. SGM's Strategic Plan (S.G.M特攻作戦, S.G.M Tokkō Sakusen)


Kaiju: Mogura King

36. The Monster Corps Attack (怪獣軍団ミラーマンを襲う―五大宇宙怪獣激斗!―, Kaijū Gundan Mirāman o Osou ーGo Dai Uchū Kaijū Gekitō!ー)


Kaiju: Pair-Mons King β, Gorgosaurus β, Mayasaurus β, Halley Jack, Androsaurus II, Androsaurus Jr.

37. Cast Into The Sun (ミラーマンを太陽へぶちこめ!―激斗!彗星怪獣対土星怪獣―, Mirāman o Taiyō e Buchikome! ーGekitō! Suisei Kaijū tai Dosei Kaijūー)


Kaiju: Mayasaurus β, Halley Jack, Androsaurus II, Androsaurus Jr.

38. The Monster Magmagon (地獄谷!妖怪怪獣マグマゴン, Jigokudani! Yōkai Kaijū Magumagon)


Kaiju: Magmagon

39. The Mysterious Island (怪奇大怪獣 ―サンガーニ登場―, Kaiki Dai Kaijū ーSangāni Tōjōー)


Kaiju: Zangani

40. A State Of Invasion (インベーダー移住作戦, Inbēdā Ijū Sakusen)


Kaiju: Shadow Mons

41. Mystery From Another Dimension (謎の異次元怪獣―テロリンガ登場―, Nazo no i Jigen Kaijū ーTeroringa Tōjōー)

Synopsis: TBA

Kaiju: Teroringa

42. A Tiny Invader (小さなインベーダー―インベザウルス登場―, Chīsana Inbēdā ーInbezaurusu Tōjōー)


Kaiju: Invesaurus

43. The Phantom Monster (打倒!異次元幽霊怪獣ゴースト, Datō! I Jigen Yūrei Kaijū Gōsuto)


Kaiju: Ghost

44. Rescue From Evil (魔の救出大作戦, Ma no Kyūshutsu Dai Sakusen)

Synopsis: TBA

Kaiju: Boasaurus

45. The Boy And The Black Monster (少年と黒い大怪獣(ブラックゴン), Shōnen to Burakkugon)

Synopsis: TBA

Kaiju: Black Gon

46. The City Of Dead (死都に愛の鐘が鳴る, Shi-to ni Ai no Kaneganaru)

Synopsis: Kyotaro meets a girl who is an Invader but decided to join the humans instead. Can he protect her life?

47. The Plan For Defeat (侵略者撃破計画 改造怪獣ギランダー登場, Shinryaku-sha Gekiha Keikaku - Kaizō Kaijū Girandā Tōjō)

Synopsis: The members of a development group for a new weapon are murdered, and Yuki is captured and held hostage by the Invaders.

Kaiju: Giranda

48. Red Monster In Flight ( 赤い怪鳥は三度来た!, Akai Kaichō wa San-do Kita!)

Synopsis: The Invaders' red spaceship had come to kidnap the Earth's important scientists. It had visited the Earth twice and had led two scientists away to their dark nebula. This time their target is General Higuchi, who was known as a hawk in the Self-Defense Force, and Mirrorman.

Kaiju: Boasaurus II

49. A Strike of Fury (怒りをこめたこの一撃, Ikari o Kome Tako no Ichigeki)

Synopsis: SGM is nervous because of the invaders' intense attacks. Aiko visits SGM to meet her brother Yasuda, but the Invaders brainwash her to murder Kyotaro.

Kaiju: Iezu

50. Earth's Last Day (地球最後の日, Chikyū Saigo no Hi)

Synopsis: As a drastic solution to prevent the Earth's forces from stopping them, the Invaders plan to send Planet X on a collision course with Earth to destroy it.

Kaiju: Electricsaurus

51. Farewell Mirrorman (さよならミラーマン, Sayonara Mirāman)

Synopsis: Humans have only five days till the earth's last day. Kyotaro and Asako are attacked by a monster.

Kaiju: Dead King, Electricsaurus
