Makunosaurus Fireman. It appeared in episode 19.
is a dinosaur Kaiju introduced in the series,Subtitle: Primitive Monster
Makunosaurus first appeared in Tokyo Bay. SAF attacked Makunosaurus, but it started heading north, approaching Ashikaga village. Fireman appears to fight it, but eventually the dinosaur disappears by spraying mist. MukuMuku, who arrived in the village from another planet, battled the Kaiju. However, the dinosaur proves to be more powerful, and easily overpowers the space monster. Fireman came and worked together with MukuMuku while dodging Makunosaurus' flame attacks. In the end the beast was defeated by using the Fire Dash. The Space Monster vs. The Primeval Monster
- Makunosaurus is a modified Dorango suit.
- Makunosaurus uses Stegorus' roars, which were commonly in Fireman.
- Stats
- Height: 110 m
- Weight: 30,000 t
- Origin: East Sea Bay
- Powers and Weapons
- Fire Breath: Makunosaurus can breathe fire which causes explosions.
- Fog Summon: Makunosaurus can summon fog at will.
- Powerful Kicks: Makunosaurus can kick with high power.
Fireman Kaiju | |
Dorigorus | Dorigon | Alien Meteor | Stegorus | Jurasaurus | Planet Gomerus | Spacer | Kinokurages | Kumagorus | Rodoguros | Nerogiras | Stegorus II | Gudon | Alien Baranda | Baranda V | Scoradon | Tyrasaurus | Alien Barog | Alien Tran | Dorango | Tyrannodon | Lanosaurus | Tyrasaurus II | Alien Velder | Alien Atla | Long Neck | Alien Sulpher | King Zaura | MukuMuku | Makunosaurus | Alien Gagango | Gagango | Double God | Destrosaurus | Alien Prima | Alien Green | Green Giller | Harmonigan | Alien Virenus | Gadorasaurus | Blacker | Black Satan | Alien Emusa | Bemutan | Devilsaurus | Bemusa King | Spegz | Spegz Jr. | Dark Mander | Object X |