Kaiju Girls Tsuburaya Productions and Studio PuYUKAI, and of which ran for two seasons of 12 episodes each, animated in a super-deformed style. The show depicts the lives of normal girls with the souls of ancient Kaiju residing within them, and their adventures and comedic struggles to use this power for what is right. It is loosely based on the Ultra Monster Anthropomorphic Project.
is a series of anime shorts produced byThis series can be watched on Crunchyroll.
Humanity's battle of many years with the kaiju, giant monsters, has finally come to an end. Now that Earth has entered an age of peace, girls with the souls of Kaiju have begun to appear, giving them the ability to transform into kaiju. They are known as the Kaiju Girls, and this is the powerful, transient, beautiful, and at times easygoing story of the strange fate these girls bear.[1]
The first season follows a trio of high school girls carrying the souls of the three Capsule Kaiju: Agira, Windom and Miclas, as they join an organisation called 'GIRLS' in order to protect the peace of Japan.
In the second season, Agira, Windom and Miclas are leading fulfilling lives as members of 'GIRLS'. However, a new species of 'Shadows' arise, the girls' toughest challenge yet. Meanwhile, Guts, another member of 'GIRLS', feels that something is off about herself.
GIRLS [2][]
- Aki Miyashita Agira. : Represents
- Miku Ushimaru Miclas. : Represents
- Reika Shirogane Windom. : Represents
- Tomomi Okada Pigmon. : Represents
- Zetton Zetton. : Represents
- Benio Utagawa Red King. : Represents
- Ran Kogami Eleking. : Represents
- Mikazuki Kuroda Gomora. : Represents
- Sachiko Dori Zandrias. : Represents
- Clala Thorn King Joe. : Represents
- Miko Innami Alien Guts and Shadow Alien Guts. : Represents
- Misao Otonashi Noiseler. : Represents
- You Kazamaki Maga-Basser. : Represents
- Yuka Tatunami Maga-Jappa. : Represents
- Shadows
- Shadow Beast
- Shadow Alien Guts : A copy of Guts spawned from her insecurities.
- Shadow General
- Ambiguous voice : The mysterious voice in Agira's consciousness who give Agira the courage that eventually leads to her acquirement of her Kaiju Girl form.
- Mio Amagi Bemular. : Indirectly mentioned by Reika in episode 8 of the first season, Mio is the first identified Kaiju Girl prior to the foundation of GIRLS. Represent
- Unknown Kaiju Girl: Seen during the after-credits of the final episode of the first season. Assumed to be Live King.
- Mother Zandrias : The mother of Zandrias, she also has her own Kaiju Girl form.
- Jugglus Juggler : A recurring character in the second season, is a hardcore fan of King Joe's.
- Black Directive : Seen during the after-credits of the final episode of the second season.
Voice Actors[]
- Aki Miyashita / Agira Riho Iida :
- Miku Ushimaru / Miclas Aina Suzuki :
- Reika Shirogane / Windom Yurika Endo :
- Tomomi Okada / Pigmon Sora Tokui :
- Zetton Emiri Kato :
- Benio Utagawa / Red King Hiromi Igarashi :
- Ran Kogami / Eleking Megumi Han :
- Mikazuki Kuroda / Gomora Ayaka Suwa :
- Sachiko Dori / Zandrias Kaede Yuasa :
- Clala Thorn / King Joe Suzuko Mimori :
- Miko Innami / Alien Guts Risae Matsuda :
- Misao Otonashi / Noiseler Arisa Kiyoto :
- You Kazamaki / Maga-Basser Haruna Terada :
- Yuka Tatunami / Maga-Jappa Reina Kondou :
- Ambiguous voice Shinya Takahashi :
- Jugglus Juggler Takaya Aoyagi :
- Mother Zandrias / Unknown Kaiju Girl: Kaede Yuasa
- Shadow Alien Guts Satsumi Matsuda :
- Shadow General : Satsumi Matsuda
External Link[]