Imit-Zoffy (SR) Zoffy and was among the Imit-Ultra Brothers mobilized by the Alien Salome to invade universes. The (SR) in Imit-Zoffy's designation stands for 'Salome Robot'.
was a mass-produced robot army built under the likeness ofSubtitle: Robot Super Man
Ultra Galaxy Legend Gaiden: Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops Zero
Imit-Zoffy first appears with his artificial brothers, confronting Ultraman Zero and the alternate ZAP Spacy crew. However, Zero managed to escape after killing Imit-Jack and Imit-Zoffy.
He reappeared, this time alongside other Imitation Ultramen, ready to be transported until Gomora was summoned and disrupts the plan, while Darklops Zero awakens and destroys the robot Ultras including Imit-Zoffy. Ultra Galaxy Legend Gaiden: Ultraman Zero vs. Darklops Zero
- Stats
- Height: 45 m
- Weight: 45,000 t
- Origin: Planet Cheney
- Maximum Flight Speed: Mach 10
- Arm Strength: 160,000 t
- Powers and Weapons
- Imit-M87 Beam : Imit-Zoffy can use the M87 Beam just like Zoffy.