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Guiobian (ギュオバイアン, Gyuobaian) is a Kaiju that appears in SSSS.DYNAZENON CHRONICLE novel. It was created from the Fujiyokidai citizen's perception of the Dynazenon, hence the monster originally materialized as its four separate components. In contrast to Dynazenon's red color, each component's body color appeared to be blue.


As with all the illustrations in the novel, Guiobian and its components are designed by bun150.[1]


Guiobian and its Kaiju components are named after the normalcy bias, a mindset which involves the attempt to downplay or ignore situations that are supposedly dangerous.







Powers and Weapon
  • Loop World Creation: By taking a particular day from the normal time, Guiobian can create a pocket dimension where time is repeated for the same day, July 15th.
  • Amnesiac Fog: Like the Venoras in Tsutsujidai, Guiobian can perform a weaker version of their fog to conceal itself and resetting the world, while doing a sloppy job in tampering with the victims' memories.
  • Regeneration: Guiobian can regenerate itself from injuries.
  • Self Fragmentation: Guiobian can split itself into its four components and reforming back.



Biaraptor (バイアラプター, Baiaraputā) is a humanoid monster controlled by Juuga. It corresponds to Dynasoldier and forms Guiobian's head and torso.

Powers and Weapon
  • Object Attraction: From the generator bolt on its back, Biaraptor can attract materials to itself, doing so against Dynazenon.
  • Regeneration: If one of its fellow components survived from destruction, the rest could regenerate themselves unlimitedly.
  • Fusion: As part of Guiobian, Biaraptor can also fuse with its components. Also, as a counterpart of Dynasolider, it can merge with each of them, similar to Dynasolider's combine forms.



Biamuzzer (バイアミューザー, Baiamyūzā) is a butterfly/moth-themed monster controlled by Sizumu. It corresponds to Dynawing and forms the wings of Guiobian.

Powers and Weapon
  • Flight: Biamuzzer has a pair of wings for flight and aerial combat.
  • Object Elasticity: Biamuzzer can elasticize, bend or change targeted objects in various ways.
  • Regeneration: If one of its fellow components survived from destruction, the rest could regenerate themselves unlimitedly.
  • Fusion: As part of Guiobian, Biamuzzer can fuse with the components. Theoretically, it can also merge with Biaraptor alone, creating a counterpart of Dynasolider Wing Combine.



Biagripe (バイアグリープ, Baiagurīpu) is a bipedal tortoise/tank-themed monster controlled by Mujina. It corresponds to Dynastriker and forms the hind legs, as well as cannons of Guiobian.

Powers and Weapon
  • Cannons: Biagripe has a set of cannons on its body, charged by Chaos Bringer Particles. Each has the firepower of massive explosions.
  • Regeneration: If one of its fellow components survived from destruction, the rest could regenerate themselves unlimitedly.
  • Fusion: As part of Guiobian, Biagripe can fuse with the rest of its components. It can also merge with Biaraptor alone, creating a counterpart of Dynasolider Striker Combine, its firepower further enhanced.



Biabrowah (バイアブロウワ, Baiaburōwa) is an aquatic salamander-like monster manipulated by Onija. It corresponds to Dyandiver and forms the front legs of Guiobian.

Powers and Weapon
  • Adept Swimmer: Befitting its aquatic motif, Biabrowah is capable of swimming underwater at a high speed and engaging underwater combat.
  • Defensive Wall: Biabrowah can erect a defensive barrier against attacks from the opponent.
  • Regeneration: If one of its fellow components survived from destruction, the rest could regenerate themselves unlimitedly.
  • Fusion: As part of Guiobian, Biabrowah can fuse with the rest of its fellow components. Theoretically, it can also merge with Biaraptor alone, creating a counterpart of Dynasolider Diver Combine.


Gridman Kaiju
Gridman the Hyper Agent Kahn Digifer | Gilarus | Bamora | Volcadon | Stealgun | Bagira | Anosillus | Compoid Unison | Flamelar | Blizzalar | Shinobilar | Terragaia | Metallus | Magnegauss | Generadon | Mecha Gilarus | Revived Shinobilar | Mecha Bamora | Imitation Anosillus | Mummy | Mecha Bagira | Mecha Flamelar | Mecha Stealgun | Dazzlba | Neo Metallus | Mecha Generadon | Plandon | Venora | Boranga | Eyegangar | Kung Fu Shinobilar | Jubagon | Teleboze | Gyurunba | Chidogerah | Abumaru | Goromaking | Devil Phazer | Khan Giorgio | Skubone | Giant Kahn Digifer | Kahn Digifer's combatants (stage show)
Gridman the Hyper Agent: The Demon King's Counterattack Neo Kahn Digifer | Neo Metallus | Magma Giras | Glavas | Mad Texas | Gorgoberos | Devilight | Gilarus | Stealgun | Shinobilar | Geist Digifier
Gridman the Hyper Agent: boys invent great hero Gilarus | Magnegauss | Revived Shinobilar | Venora | Giant Kahn Digifer | Glavas | Magma Giras | Gorgoberos | Devilight
SSSS.GRIDMAN Venora | Alexis・Kerib | Ghoulghilas | Dévadadan | Anti | Gonglee | Go'yavec | Anosillus the 2nd | Diriver | Mecha Ghoulghilas | Bujack | Nanashi | Zegga | Repli-Compoid | Giant Alexis・Kerib | Anosillus
SSSS.GRIDMAN NOVELIZATIONS Black Akane | Gaiyaros | Scorban | Deiwardas
Hime and Samurai The Manager
Diaclone VS. Gridman Giganter
SSSS.DYNAZENON Shalbandes | Greyjhom | Burnaddon | Didoras | Neophobia | Bullbind | Zaiohn | Goldburn | Gibzorg | Garnix | Gagula
Gridman Dogma Steal Mazenda | Steal Cian | Steal Necro | Steal Yellow | Weiß e Nacht
(Biaraptor | Biamuzzer | Biagripe | Biabrowah)
Gridknight Fight Alexis・Kerib | Anti | Nanashi B
GRIDMAN UNIVERSE Dimorgan | Domgiran | Noirdogma | Mad Origin | Alexis・Kerib | Big Goldburn