Ultraman Wiki

GUYS (GUYSガイズ, Gaizu): The abbreviated name for Guards for UtilitY Situation. CREW GUYS (CREWクルー GUYSガイズ, Kurū Gaizu) are the monster defense team (operational unit) of Ultraman Mebius.[1]


GUYS logo

They have the most advanced technology of any of the past Earth defense teams in the World of the Land of Light.

The team also have archives containing information of monsters/aliens that had appeared in past series. The name of the document is the same as the defense team of the series in which the monster had appeared. These are: Document SSSP (which refers to monsters and aliens that appeared in Ultraman, Document TDF-UG (Ultraseven), Document MAT (Return of Ultraman), Document TAC (Ultraman Ace), Document ZAT (Ultraman Taro), Document MAC (Ultraman Leo), and Document UGM (Ultraman 80), respectively. There is also a category known simply as "Out of Document" (アウト・オブ・ドキュメント, Auto obu Dokyumento), which contains information on monsters and aliens that appeared when no defense team was present (such as the time before the founding of the Science Patrol and the period between the annihilation of MAC and the founding of the UGM).[2][3]

Additionally, "Document Forbidden" (ドキュメント・フォビドゥン, Dokyumento Fobido~un) — which contains details about incidents that happened as a result of human negligence and the monsters and aliens that appeared as a result of these incidents — appears in the novel adaptation of Anderes Horizont. These are records that are frequently referred to as being on the dark side, such as "Humanity has not always walked the right path" and "They are not intentionally hidden and may cause sensitive reactions depending on the recipient." It is the most sensitive archive document for GUYS and all of humanity as a result, and each applicable document has strict access restrictions that allow viewing only to those with the rank of captain or above. It is an extremely confidential matter.[2][3]

When aliens and monsters (including Ultraman) appear, they are called "Registry (Registration) Codes" (レジスト(レジストレーション)コード, Rejisuto (Rejisutorēshon) Kōdo). Additionally, the registered name serves as the registration code in the case of monsters and aliens listed in archive documents.

Their special weapons are an advanced fighter jet that can fly at supersonic speeds, helicopters that can fly at slow speeds, advanced cars, trucks and tanks driving on the ground, Advanced Naval vessel right trough the seas, and the capsule monsters. The Maquette Monsters are at first small capsule-like items that grow to their full size by using METEOR. METEOR's power can only be used for one minute at a time.

In the case of a sortie, Sakomizu says "GUYS, Sally Go!" (GUYS、サリーゴー!, Gaizu Sarī Gō!) (When he is absent, Toriyama or Misaki, or Ryu in Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Armored Darkness, says it), and "G.I.G.!" (GUYS Is Green) is said in the case of "Roger!".[4]


Ultraman Mebius

During the 25 years after the dissolution of UGM, based on the reports of Shingo Sakomizu's experiences in Pluto's orbit, Sakomizu advocated to high-level officials of various countries that Earth still needed a defense organization to counter the threats posed by monsters and aliens. Subsequently, over a period of 10 years, governments and defense forces of different nations collaborated in the form of cooperation to establish GUYS.

The general headquarters is located in the office of New York and CREW GUYS is deployed in the headquarters of each country. There is also GUYS OCEAN (GUYSオーシャン, Gaizu Ōshan) which defends the high seas, GUYS SPACY (GUYSスペーシー, Gaizu Supēshī) which defends the space area, and GUYS ANTARCTICA (GUYSアンタクティカ, Gaizu Antakutika) which defends the Antarctic Circle. In the novel Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, the existence of GUYS USA and GUYS CHINA was also confirmed.

In Japan, anyone who is at least 16 years old can participate in the GUYS license exam. However, due to the absence of monsters in the past 25 years, people generally consider it as "one of the useful qualifications for exams and employment."[3]

However, the original members of GUYS Japan, led by Captain Serizawa, suffered heavy losses during the battle against Dinozole, with only Ryu surviving. Subsequently, Sakomizu reorganized the team and assumed the role of the new team leader. He also recruited Mirai and four other new members who were recruited from the civilian population.

Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Armored Darkness

After Mirai left the Earth, Sakomizu resumed his position as the Inspector General, and the other members resumed their original roles. GUYS Japan underwent another reorganization and selected new members.


GUYS Japan

Phoenix Nest HD1

Phoenix Nest

Phoenix Nest (フェニックスネスト, Fenikkusu Nesuto): The base of GUYS Japan, the base hold digital records of all the previous defense organizations. Unlike previous bases it also functions as a carrier base, through entering Flight Mode, first seen in episode 26. The Phoenix Nest can fire the universal dissolver METEOR to close universal gates and rifts semi-permanently. [2][5]

It was also used to destroy the space-time wave device. At the end of the series it was badly damaged by Alien Empera. The aboveground portion has two Silver Shark Gs, while the underground portion has a power room, an underground hangar for the mechas and the Gun Speeders, Chief Maintenance Araiso's room, and a particle accelerator that is activated when the Maquette Monsters materializes.[5]

It also has all the necessary crew amenities, such as living quarters like the superintendent's office, the crew's private rooms, a lavatory, a first aid room, a METEOR weapons laboratory, a dining room, an indoor pool, a martial arts hall, a relaxation area and even a football field. It has frequently come under attack from different monsters and intruders. Anderes Horizont also features divisions from the JAPAN base, including the security division, the investigation division, and the vehicle division.[5]

GUYS Ocean

Blue Whale

Blue Whale

Blue Whale (ブルーウェイル, Burū Weiru): The submersible base of GUYS Ocean, that was first seen in episode 38. It is stated that this massive submarine is armed with an abundance of megaton class torpedoes.


GUYS Japan

Shingo Sakomizu HD 100

Shingo Sakomizu

Main article: Shingo Sakomizu

Shingo Sakomizu (サコミズ・シンゴ, Sakomizu Shingo)[6] is the captain of the new CREW GUYS and Inspector General of GUYS Japan. Upon assuming his position, he reorganized GUYS with the new members. He loves coffee. He was once a member of VTOL Space who piloted experimental light-speed spacecraft. On a test run 40 years ago to Pluto, his ship was attacked by saucers before Zoffy appeared and rescued him. Although he should be well over 70 years old, the effects of traveling at light-speed have greatly slowed his aging. He has always known that Mebius and Mirai were the same, he is physically 40 years old.

Ryu Aihara HD

Ryu Aihara

Main article: Ryu Aihara

Ryu Aihara (アイハラ・リュウ, Aihara Ryū)[6] is the only surviving member from the original GUYS during Dinozole's attack. As he becomes the field commander, Ryu is dedicated to protect his new teammates and eventually acknowledges their skill to be on an equal level with past attack teams. He is 20 years old.

Mirai Hibino HD 1

Mirai Hibino

Main article: Mirai Hibino

Mirai Hibino (ヒビノ・ミライ日比野 未来, Hibino Mirai)[7] may look like a human, but he is Mebius himself. Instead of using a host, he uses the face of a human he once met in space, and was unable to save. He is an outgoing person and likes to make friends and help people.

It is because of him that the current members of team GUYS are members. He divulged his true form to CREW GUYS members in episode 30, though partly due to his choice of appearance. Sakomizu was aware of his identity from the beginning. At the end, he goes back to M78 with Ultraman Hikari. Mebius' personal symbol is the Möbius loop or the infinity sign (as "Mebiusu" is the Japanese transliteration of "Möbius" or "Mebius"). He is 18 years old.

George Ikaruga 1

George Ikaruga

Main article: George Ikaruga

George Ikaruga (イカルガ・ジョージ, Ikaruga Jōji)[6] was a football player and when his teammates left him, he was asked to join GUYS by Mirai. He was a very good football player and developed the "Shooting Star Kick" which was his own move. He has great vision and aim.

Marina Kazama HD

Marina Kazami

Main article: Marina Kazama

Marina Kazama (カザマ・マリナ, Kazama Marina)[6] is a former motorcycle racer with enhanced sense of hearing.

Teppei Kuze I

Teppei Kuze

Main article: Teppei Kuze

Teppei Kuze (クゼ・テッペイ, Kuze Teppei)[6] is a team member who is knowledgeable in the Ultra Brothers' exploits and their fight against monsters. Being a medical student, he was groomed to become the heir of his father's hospital, but gained the blessing from his parents to continue working on CREW GUYS after his bravery in saving the building from Insectus' invasion.

Konomi Amagai 2006

Konomi Amagai

Main article: Konomi Amagai

Konomi Amagai (アマガイ・コノミ, Amagai Konomi)[6] is a kindergarten teacher, her dedication to save the rabbits lead to an assembly of civilians that would become future members of CREW GUYS. Although usually works as an operator, she can also join the battle and guiding the Maquette Monsters.



Kanata Haruzaki (ハルザキ・カナタ, Haruzaki Kanata)[6] is a member of Crew GUYS, he was recruited years after Alien Empera's defeat. He scored the highest score in his training division. However, he is shown to act very cowardly and dislikes combat.

GUYS Japan Staff

Juukichi Toriyama 015


Main article: Juukichi Toriyama

Juukichi Toriyama (トリヤマ・ジュウキチ, Toriyama Juukichi)[6] is the aide of the Japanese branch of GUYS, he issues orders to GUYS and gets frantic with joy whenever they accomplish a mission. More or less the public face of GUYS, he is apparently the one who must answer to the news media about GUYS' actions. Gave approval for the use of METEOR until episode 4, when he handed the authority to Sakomizu. While generally portrayed as cowardly, sycophantic and bumblingly incompetent throughout the series, he gathers his resolve and stands up to Inspector Shiki when the latter demands that GUYS turn Ultraman Mebius/Hibino Mirai over.

Maru HD


Main article: Maru

Maru (マル)[6] is Toriyama's secretary, he follows Toriyama around and often corrects his speech mistakes, and is basically his sidekick.

Mizuki 1

Yuki Misaki

Main article: Yuki Misaki

Yuki Misaki (ミサキ・ユキ, Misaki Yuki)[6] is the Acting Inspector General (総監代行, Sōkan Daikō), she reports monsters to GUYS. As with Sakomizu, little is known about her.

Araiso 1


Main article: Araiso

Chief of Maintenance Araiso (アライソ整備長, Araiso Seibichō)[6] is the chief of the maintenance group which maintains GUYS machines. He very much prizes a pilot's life. The photographs on his wall are the vehicles of the various past defense teams: Jet VTOL of SSSP, Ultra Hawk 1 of UG, MAT Arrow 1 of MAT, TAC Falcon of TAC, Condor 1 of ZAT and Sky Higher of UGM can all be seen in his working area.

So, if maintenance of machines is needed, he is the stubborn character who fixes and modifies them. He quarrels with Ryu, who forcibly flies the machines despite the needed repairs. He is the leading person who proposed the adoption of METEOR.

Sayuri Hinode HD 003

Hinode Sayuri

Main article: Sayuri Hinode

Sayuri Hinode (日ノ出 サユリ, Hinode Sayuri)[6] is a lunch lady working at the Phoenix Nest cafeteria. After getting hit by a car to protect a boy who had run into the road, an Alien Serpent revived her, pretending to be touched by Hinode's selfless actions in order to use her body to destroy GUYS' base. However, Hinode regained control of her body and helped fight off the other Alien Serpents. Afterwards, she temporarily gains super-powers due her merging with the alien.

GUYS Ocean

GUYS Ocean is the aquatic branch of GUYS. They appeared in episode 38. They made their first appearance in the sub-jet, Seawinger. Their headquarters is located in the massive submarine, the Blue Whale.

Hiroshi Isana

Hiroshi Isana

Main article: Hiroshi Isana

Hiroshi Isana (勇魚 洋イサナ・ヒロシ, Isana Hiroshi)[6] is the captain of GUYS Ocean, posing as a regular member when he first met CREW GUYS Japan. He was also a former member of Chief Maintenance Araiso's crew, before he decided to apply as a pilot.

GUYS General Headquarters

GUYS General Headquarters is a central part of GUYS in New York.



Main article: Takenaka

Takenaka (タケナカ)[6] was once the General Chancellor of the TDF and later became the Supreme General Chancellor of GUYS. Appeared in episode 42. He was a staff officer 40 years before TDF. Grandfather of Aya and Takato Jinguji.

Other Members

Kazuya Serizawa

Kazuya Serizawa

Main article: Kazuya Serizawa

Kazuya Serizawa (セリザワ・カズヤ, Serizawa Kazuya)[6] was the former captain of CREW GUYS. After his death, he was resurrected and assimilated by Ultraman Hikari. He first appears as an anti-hero who was under the control of a vengeful Hikari, but soon returned to the light and assisted GUYS once again.

Aya Jinguji 4

Aya Jinguji

Main article: Aya Jinguji

Aya Jinguji (ジングウジ・アヤ, Jingūji Aya)[6] is the Supreme General Chancellor's granddaughter and acquired her GUYS license at the age of 14. She assisted CREW GUYS multiple times. In her spare time, she works as an oceanographer.



  • GUYS Uniform (GUYSスーツ, GUYS suutsu)[8]: The uniform adopts a color scheme of yellow and gray, with power-assist capabilities for physical abilities, life support systems, heat resistance, cold resistance, G-force resistance, and bulletproof features. The design of the uniform is personalized for each team member based on their individual characteristics. For example, although the female members wore a short-sleeved version of the uniform, Konomi wears a skirt while Marina wears pants just like the men's.
    • In terms of identification, the collar of the uniform is white for the captain, while other team members have red collars.
    • GUYS Ocean's uniform is similar but with a different color scheme; blue and gray with a black collar.
  • Additionally, the GUYS members also wears jerseys as inner wears and training apparel. The male members wears a white shirt with blue accents, while the female retains the same color but with pink accents.
    • Ryu, on the other hand, wears his own version with black accents and no sleeves.
  • Some of the higher-positioned member including the Inspector General, the Aide and his secretary, and the supreme general chancellor wore their respective versions of formal-type uniforms.


  • Memory Display (メモリーディスプレイ, Memorī Disupurei)[8]: Small mobile pad which is the member certificate of GUYS. It has the following uses: Communication, image analysis, Maquette Monster materialization, cooperation with Triger Shot, and startup certification of Gun Speeder.
  • Triger Shot (トライガーショット, Toraigā Shotto)[8]: It is a laser beam gun used by rotating three cylinders named Triple Chamber. It is most commonly used for short range fighting but will sometimes be used in long range battles. If the Red Chamber is chosen, a red beam named Acute Arrow can be used. If the Yellow Chamber is chosen, a yellow high energy fireball named Buster Bred can be used. If the Blue Chamber is chosen, a blue barrier field named Capture Cube is formed, and a blue beam named Neuron Neutralizer can be used as well.
  • METEOR Shot (メテオールショット, Meteōru Shotto)[8]: It first appears in episode 19. If it is loaded loads with Memory Display, the display and sound which are named "METEOR OVER DRIVE" appear on the display screen. Electric activity of the brain is detected by the scanner built in helmet. The ballistic trajectory of the discharged bullet can be controlled, obstacles can also be avoided this way. Although there is a function which can attack three enemies simultaneously which is named Amazing Triple, most humans cannot yet use this attack. However, George was able to use it thanks to his skills. Professor Asami Fujisawa manufactured a beam named Region Restrictor which extinguishes the gate of a different world. Teppei manufactured the cartridge named Spirit Separator into which a girl's soul is made to separate from Femigon.
  • GUYS Tough Book (GUYSタフブック, Gaizu Tafu Bukku)[8]: It first appears in episode 24. It is a notebook PC (Panasonic Tough Book) type METEOR strengthening tool of GUYS. Capsule type media are mainly used. Maquette Monster can be grown to their full size by inserting the Maquette Capsule and Element Capsule and transferring the data of an Element Capsule to Maquette Capsule. Outside Japan, many laptops companies under GUYS Tough Book.


Gun Crusader (ガンクルセイダー, Gan Kuruseidā)[9]: The fighter jets of the old GUYS which were seen in episode 1. Captain Serizawa pilots one with a red flame paint job.

In Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, Jiro Sakata was revealed to be its major designer.

  • Length: 12.5 m
  • Width: 6 m
  • Height: 5 m

Gun Speeders

Gun Speeder (ガンスピーダー, Gan Supīdā)[9]: The interchangeable pods that form the cockpits of all Gun Type jets. They can be used for deep sea diving and simple flight. They are armed with beams and Phonon maser (a sound gun). Five and one extra Gun Speeder are usually store within the Phoenix Nest base.

  • Length: 5 m
  • Width: 2.2 m
  • Height: 2 m
  • Crew: 2 people

Gun Winger

Gun Winger (ガンウィンガー, Gan Wingā)[9]: The front half of Gun Phoenix, its main weaponry are the Beak Vulcan from the nose and Winglet Blasters from the wings. The METEOR powered maneuver mode allows it to use Phantom Aviation (all the jets use it) and fire Spacium Missiles, which approach the power of Ultraman's beam. Also, it was used to free Mebius from being frozen by Grozam in episode 46 by using the Magnerium Medicaliser.

In Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, its maneuver mode's design was revealed to be done by Yoichi Kaji in the initial phase.

  • Length: 14 m
  • Width: 10 m, 16 m (Maneuver Mode)
  • Height: 5 m

Gun Loader

Gun Loader (ガンローダー, Gan Rōdā)[9]: The back half of Gun Phoenix, its main weaponry are Variable Pulsar from the ship's nose, Double Gun Launcher from the horizontal stabilizer of the ship. In maneuver mode it general uses the Bringer Fans to generate tornadoes to grab and throw monsters, it also has the Ventilation Volteccer to blow away fog/toxic gasses and Maxwell Tornado to generate a flaming tornado.

  • Length: 12 m
  • Width: 14 m, 24 m (Maneuver Mode)
  • Height: 8 m

Gun Phoenix

Gun Phoenix (ガンフェニックス, Gan Fenikkusu)[9]: The backbone of GUYS' anti-monster arsenal. It is made by combining the Gun Winger and Gun Loader.

In Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, GUYS CHINA has its own version decorated in the image of a dragon.

  • Length: 24 m
  • Width: 14 m
  • Height: 8 m

Gun Booster

Gun Booster (ガンブースター, Gan Būsutā)[9]: First appeared in episode 15. It excels at high-speed pursuits. Its main weapon is the Altered Blazer fired from the nose. Maneuver Mode can use Spiral Wall which carries out the high-speed rotation of the fuselage, and flips and defends an attack, and Gatling Detonator which carries out the salvo fire of the beam cannon of six gates of both wings.

  • Length: 14 m
  • Width: 8 m, 11 m (Maneuver Mode)
  • Height: 7 m

Gun Phoenix Striker

Gun Phoenix Striker (ガンフェニックストライカー, Gan Fenikkusutoraikā)[9]: An upgrade from the Gun Phoenix, where the Gun Booster docks onto the back of the previous craft. This enabling a more powerful boost function. The final attack is Valiant Smasher, discharging a beam from all gunports. Maneuver Mode can use Invincible Phoenix which shines the fuselage and fires the Gun Phoenix Striker-like energy wave. It was destroyed by Alien Empera.

  • Length: 26 m
  • Width: 16 m
  • Height: 10 m

Sea Winger Full

Sea Winger (シーウィンガー, Sī Wingā)[9]: A fighter jet that can go both underwater and above water. It has the same speed and design as the Gun Winger, but is faster underwater. Just like other GUYS aircraft, it also has a maneuver mode. Its attacks are same as Gun Winger. Also, it has a cruising function which allows the aircraft to glide through the seas' surface and diving up to 100m.

  • Length: 14 m
  • Width: 10 m, 16 m (Maneuver Mode)
  • Height: 5 m

Gun Crusader MX

Gun Crusader MX (ガンクルセイダーMX, Gan Kuruseidā Emu Ekkusu)[9]: Makes its first appearance in episode 49. MX is METEOR EXPERIMENTAL. The METEOR-type Gun Crusader which was safekeeping as the spare of Gun Phoenix Striker. It was easily destroyed by Alien Empera.

  • Length: 12.5 m
  • Width: 6 m
  • Height: 5 m

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, Gun Spindler (ガンスピンドラー, Gan Supindorā) is the fourth primary fighter of GUYS JAPAN.

It is equipped with a gigantic drill and requires a special Gun Speeder to load up. With its standard in-atmosphere flight ability, it can also dig into the ground, as it was based on the very first METEOR: Magma Riser.

It can also replace Gun Booster and combine with Gun Phoenix into Gun Phoenix Spindler (ガンフェニックススピンドラー, Gan Fenikkusu Supindorā).

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, Gun Braver (ガンブレイバー, Gan Bureibā)[9] is a high-tech-equipped racer motorbike developed by Chief Maintenance Araiso as a hobby and named by Marina. It can have standard GUYS equipment such as Memory Display and Triger Shot attached to it, and it is also a rare case of GUYS mecha without METEOR.

Aside with its normal Road Falcon Mode (ロードファルコン・モード, Rōdo Farukon Mōdo), it also possess three other modes:

  • Hyper Hopper Mode (ハイパーホッパー・モード, Haipā Hoppā Mōdo) uses a turbo chamber to perform continuous jumps of up to 30 meters, an enhanced version of UG Pointer's Jet Engine.
  • Hyper Hummingbird Mode (ハイパーハミングバード・モード, Haipā Hamingubādo Mōdo) allows for 5 meters-attitude levitation for short period of time.
  • Hyper Sero Mode (ハイパーセロー・モード, Haipā Serō Mōdo) deploys electromagnetic caterpillars around the tires to handle any rough terrain.

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, Space Winger (スペースウィンガー, Supēsu Wingā) is a space fighter type used by GUYS SPACY. Judging by its name, they seem to be the same fighter type of Gun Winger and Sea Winger. However, unlike its Earthly counterparts, they have not fully standardized METEOR.

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, Striker Thunder (ストライクサンダー, Sutoraikā Sandā) is a three-in-one combine aircraft deployed in GUYS USA headquarter, and a counterpart of GUYS JAPAN's Gun Phoenix Striker.

The difference is that it is painted in red point colors on a dark blue base and has a "Powered Gun Booster" (パワードガンブースター, Pawādo Gan Būsutā) connected to it that improves its performance by 20%, thereby improving its specifications, but it could not keep up with the speed of the Usual.

Incidentally, it is said that USA has a habit of adding "Powered" (パワード, Pawādo) to everything on its aircraft.

Vehicles and weapons inherited from other defense teams

As the successor to all prior defense teams in the Showa continuity before it, GUYS owns and operates a variety of weapons and vehicles that were developed or operated by their predecessors.

Silver Shark G

Silver Shark G (シルバーシャークG, Shirubā Shāku G) are gigantic, powerful beam turrets deployed near Phoenix Nest as well as GUYS space stations.

They are enhanced modifications of TAC's Silver Shark laser cannon, which have destroyed Firemons, a Terrible-Monster that withstood Ace's Metalium Beam.

Ryton R30 Mines

Space Mine Ryton R30 Mines (宇宙機雷ライトンR30マイン, Uchū Kirai Raiton R30 Main) is a series of massive destructive space mines deployed by GUYS SPACY against alien invasion.

They are based on the Ryton R30 Bomb developed by TDF scientist Dorothy Anderson to destroy the Pedanium-constructed King Joe.


AZ2006 is a missile that was almost deployed against the mysterious saucer.

It was based on the prototype super bomb AZ1974 developed by ZAT to destroy Mururoa. It used stock footage of UDF's bomb Cosmo Diva.

Jet VTOL S111 Mebius Era
Main article: Jet VTOL

The retired Jet VTOL S111 from the Science Patrol appeared on GUYS Civilian Appreciation Day as part of the aircraft display.

Ultra Hawk -1 Mebius Era
Main article: Ultra Hawk No.1

A retired Ultra Hawk No.1 of the Ultra Guard appeared on GUYS Civilian Appreciation Day as part of the aircraft display.

Ultra Hawk -3 Mebius Era
Main article: Ultra Hawk No.3

A retired Ultra Hawk No.3 of the Ultra Guard appeared on GUYS Civilian Appreciation Day as part of the aircraft display.

GUYS Arrow MA1
Main article: MAT Arrow 1

GUYS Arrow MA1 (GUYSアローMA1) is a jet that is based on the MAT Arrow 1 used by MAT. A fleet of them were seen parked beside the runway in the second last episode and were blown apart by Alien Empera.

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, Project Blue 2'Two Dash (プロジェクト・ブルー・ツーダッシュ, Purojekuto Burū Tsū Dasshu) is a defense system deployed by GUYS SPACY and an advanced version of TDF's Project Blue. It protects the Earth from intruders by creating an electromagnetic barrier between the Earth and the Moon.

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, Higher Type (ハイヤータイプ, Haiyā Taipu) is a training aircraft used by GUYS trainees during their training at the training division. It is a redesign of the Sky Higher fighters of UGM.

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, an old Magma Riser drill tank from the Ultra Guard's era was recovered by Chief Maintenance Araiso due to the fact being the first METEOR, it was used to develop Gun Spindler.

Appeared in Ultraman Mebius: Anderes Horizont, an old Panda Rabbit patrol car from ZAT's era was recovered by Chief Maintenance Araiso for land patrolling mission.

Its ridiculous appearance quickly earned itself disapproval from Kanata Haruzaki, and to make matters worse, it was mistaken by elder civilians as a car of TAC.


Ultraman Mebius

Ultraman Mebius & the Ultra Brothers

Ultraman Mebius Side Story: Armored Darkness



  • This team was the second team to have a mascot (Lim Eleking). The first one was Super GUTS with Hanejiro as their mascot.
  • In the initial planning and setting, the team name was "BOZ."[11]
  • Regarding the characterization of the GUYS team members, main director Tomoki Sano explained that after deciding to select members from ordinary people, he wanted each team member to have an original occupation unrelated to GUYS. While Ultraman Mebius focuses on "friendship" as a primary theme, the production team also embraced "dreams" as another core concept. Each team member has their own dreams and has worked hard toward them, but joining GUYS temporarily redirected their paths. However, they have never truly abandoned those dreams.[12]
    • These young characters are mostly in their early 20s, and though "dreams" might still be somewhat immature pursuits, Sano wanted to portray their passion for their dreams with sincerity and directness, even if such earnestness might appear “naive.” From the outset, it was planned that once peace returned, each member would go back to their original lives. The characters’ professions were intentionally chosen to reflect jobs that children might aspire to.
    • Additionally, the idea of each team member possessing heightened senses was a creative suggestion by screenwriter Masanao Akahoshi.


  1. https://m-78.jp/character/crewguys/
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Heisei Ultraman Mecha Chronicle, pg 98-99
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Ultra Tokusatsu PERFECT MOOK vol. 05: Ultraman Mebius, pg 9
  4. https://hicbc.com/tv/mebius/webmebinavi/011.php
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Ultra Tokusatsu PERFECT MOOK vol. 05: Ultraman Mebius, pg 12
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 Ultra Tokusatsu PERFECT MOOK vol. 05: Ultraman Mebius, pg 14-15
  7. Ultra Tokusatsu PERFECT MOOK vol. 05: Ultraman Mebius, pg 13
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Ultra Tokusatsu PERFECT MOOK vol. 05: Ultraman Mebius, pg 15
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 Ultra Tokusatsu PERFECT MOOK vol. 05: Ultraman Mebius, pg 16-17
  10. https://imagination.m-78.jp/contents/d2ViL1lvbWlfMDE1NTc%3D
  11. Ultra Tokusatsu PERFECT MOOK vol. 05: Ultraman Mebius, pg 32-33
  12. Ultraman Mebius Archive Document, pg 68

Defense Teams
Showa Defense Teams SSSP, Defense Force | TDF (UG, MAT, TAC, ZAT, MAC, UGM) | Science Guard Party
Heisei Defense Teams UMA | WINR | HEART | Mydo | TPC (GUTS, Super GUTS, Black Buster Corps, Neo Super GUTS) | GUARD (XIG) | GOKAZOKU | SRC (EYES, Team SEA), JADF | BCST, JSDF | TLT (NR) | UDF (DASH) | GUYS | DEUS | ZAP SPACY | Team U | UPG | UNVER (Xio) | VTL | AIB
Reiwa Defense Teams EGIS | GAF (STORAGE) | TPU (GUTS-Select) | SSSP | GGF (SKaRD) | KDF | SKIP, GDF
Other Defense Teams Inter Galactic Defense Force | Space Patrol | MIGHTY JACK | SRI | SGM | Team Mouri | SAT | SAF | PAT | Koseidon Corps | MAT | SWORD | SSSP | USP | GIRLS