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Eleking is an electric-eel-like Kaiju that first appeared on the tokusatsu TV series Ultraseven. Eleking has been one of the most iconic monsters in the Ultraman Series and has gone on to win the Japanese Best Monster Award for the Ultraseven series, being called the most impressive of Ultraseven's enemy Kaiju and aliens (alongside Alien Metron). As a result of Eleking's vast popularity, members of his species have appeared throughout the series, and have appeared in many of the franchise's various continuities.
- Eleking: Space Monster
- Re-Eleking: Moonlight Monster
- Ultraman Max: Discharge Dragon
- Lim Eleking: Maquette Monster
- Hyper Eleking: Evil God of Destruction

Eleking in Ultraseven
Eleking was a monster born and raised by two twin sisters, who let him loose on the earth after stealing Dan's Ultra Eye, which prevented him from assuming his Ultraseven form. Once the twin sisters, known as the Alien Pitts, arrived on Earth they donned the guises of human girls. When one of them was observing the lake she was caught by two members of the UG and a fisherman. As she tried to escape them she released tadpole Eleking into the water, allowing the other Alien Pitt to summon him when the time was needed.
With Ultraseven nowhere in sight, Eleking was free to wreak havoc. Luckily, Dan released Miclas, one of his Capsule Monsters, to fight and hopefully distract Eleking while he chased after the sisters to retrieve his Ultra Eye. The two monsters battled fiercely in the lake and soon brought the battle to land. Miclas, however, was eventually defeated by Eleking's long, whip tail, as well as his electric shock powers. After Miclas failed to defeat Eleking, all seemed lost until Dan finally managed to retrieve the Eye by chasing the sisters to their hideout, a large spaceship, from which they controlled Eleking.
Dan quickly transformed into Ultraseven, and attacked Eleking. In the midst of the battle, Eleking tried to subdue Seven by ensnaring him in his tail and shocking him, but Seven was resilient enough to withstand the incredible amounts of electricity coursing through his body, and broke free of Eleking's grip. He then proceeded to destroy Eleking's two horns with his Emerium Beam before sending the Eye Slugger his way, instantly decapitating Eleking and slicing off his tail. As purplish-red blood gushed from the monster's severed neck, a small explosion took place, signaling that Eleking was no more. The Secret of the Lake
- Eleking was seen in stock footage of Seven's past battles in episode 48.
- Eleking was seen in stock footage in Ultraman 80 episodes 45 and 47.
- Eleking uses sped up Ebirah's shrieks.
- Eleking was originally intended to be (and painted as being) black and white. However due to the suit constantly being partially submerged or otherwise in contact with water for most of its scenes, the white elements of the suit gradually turned pale yellow as a result of staining from exposure to compounds in the water, giving it its signature color.[1]
- A magazine released at the time of release stated that Eleking's race is a herbivorous freshwater fish species indigenous to Planet Pitt. They are usually a docile species that eat plants and microorganisms in the water. The one in Seven, however, was strangely violent, making it the choice to use in the Alien Pitt's invasion.
- According to Kohji Moritsugu, Eleking is one of his favorite Kaiju, due to its debut episode was the first one to be recorded in the entire series. His other two favorite Ultra Kaiju were Alien Metron and King Joe.
- In April 2020, a copy of Pokémon Blue's source code was leaked onto the internet. One of the files contained was a list of index names for the default cries. Cry number 38 (used by Ponyta, Rapidash, Porygon, Weepinbell, and Victreebel) was given the name "eleking". Playing the cry reveals it to be a recreation of Eleking's roar.
Ultraman Taro

Eleking reappeared in the series Ultraman Taro, this time as Revived Eleking . This incarnation is sometimes referred to as Eleking II.
On a cold, lonely night, a full moon hung in the sky. But soon Eleking, supposedly killed in its battle with Ultraseven 6 years ago, was aroused from the underground. The Kaiju attacked nearby villages, and left much destruction in his path and was then attacked by ZAT. He was seemingly defeated, but he beat a hasty retreat when the sun began to rise. Some time later, another full moon appeared, as well as the creature, who was now revealed to be Re-Eleking revived by the light of the moon. But his attack was soon halted by ZAT, as well as some village children, who were able to get a rope around Re-Eleking's left horn. This only angered the monster, as it let loose with more flames. Soon, Kotaro Higashi decides to attack Re-Eleking with his armored vehicle. The attack is short lived, however, as Re-Eleking jumps onto it. Kotaro used his Ultra Badge to turn into Ultraman Taro just in time. Taro then deals Re-Eleking a mighty beating. Re-Eleking managed to get the best of Taro using his flames, but Taro persevered. Then, Taro used his powers to turn the rope on Re-Eleking II's horn into a chain. Grappling for a bit, he pulled the chains, until he ripped off Re-Eleking horns Re-Eleking collapsed to the ground dying, his body began to release a bubbling foam before finally exploding. Monster Eleking Barks at the Full Moon!
- In the initial plans for the episode, which was to be titled The Touch of the Full Moon on the Mammoth's Fang! , a new Kaiju named Giant Fang Monster : Gokiba was to be introduced and revive a group of fallen monsters that did not include Eleking. However, after some developments, the initial idea was dropped and Eleking was reintroduced. The only remnants of this idea is the teeth design of the Eleking being what Gokiba's would have been.
- In this series, Re-Eleking can emit a deadly stream of flames from his mouth and the end of his tail. Some magazines claim that Re-Eleking retains its electricity power and adding it to its flames, making them stronger.
- Unlike his original form, Re-Eleking's horns do not rotate, but instead small lights flash on and off on the white parts of his horns.
- It is unknown why or how the moon revives Eleking, but in a children's magazine, Eleking is said to be revived by an unknown evil force who wanted to resurrect an army of monsters. Upon Re-Eleking's defeat, the unnamed villain expresses his regret for not reviving King Joe instead.
- Despite technically being the revived original, Re-Eleking is referred to as the second generation. In episode 9 of Ultraman Mebius, Teppei of Crew GUYS believe that Re-Eleking is a different individual instead of the revived first generation.
- Re-Eleking's roar is a reused Takkong's roar mixed with some Daigoro's cries.
- Whereas Re-Eleking rises from the ground, the first Eleking arose from the lake.
- A regular Eleking can be seen in an animated flashback as part of the Monster Army lead by Alien Empera in episode 25.
Ultraman Story
In the movie, Eleking was revived by Alien Mefilas and became Re-Eleking. Father of Ultra sent Taro to stop the beast. Taro struggled until he figured out the weakness of Eleking are its horns. The battles of Re-Eleking relied on stock footage of the Re-Eleking in Ultraman Taro. The spirit of Eleking along with Red King, Gomora, Alien Baltan, Alien Hipporit, and Alien Mefilas combined into Grand King by Juda. Ultraman Story
Heisei Ultraseven

This monster reappeared in the series Heisei Ultraseven - Operation: Solar Energy as Eleking III .
Years ago, the people of planet Pitt tried to conquer Earth with a powerful monster known as Eleking. Their plan was foiled by Ultraseven but years later, the aliens returned with a new more powerful Eleking armed with carbon dioxide-based attacks. The creature began to kill campers and destroy parts of the forest but the UG fought back as they managed to blow off one of Eleking's horns. It didn't take long for Alien Pitts to repair their pet and send it on it's next mission, to destroy an experimental solar energy system. Moving to stop them, Ultraseven, who just woken up from a coma, risen up from the facility, which was earlier destroyed by Alien Pitt; recharging his powers through the sun and battled with the beast at the institute where the system was built. In the battle, Eleking eventually gained the upper hand by using his tail to ensnare Seven. As all seemed lost for Ultraseven, the Ultra Guard, alongside the spouse of a former Ultra Guard member, used a new solar system as a weapon to drain Eleking's energy, finally able to break free, Ultraseven used his Eye Slugger to cut off Eleking's tail before destroying it with the Emerium Beam.
- Like the Eleking seen in Taro, this incarnation abandons the electricty-theme of the original, this time in favor of pollutants. It is however, shown using electric-based attacks during its battle with Seven.
- This Eleking uses modified versions of his original roar.
- This Eleking suit was reused from a commercial of Ultraseven's Super Famicon game commercial.
- The original Eleking appeared in the TDF Monster data files before being deleted by a disguised Alien Pitt, who had tresspassed the residence of former Ultra Guard member Anne Yuri.
- Despite not appearing in the next episode, the silhouette of Eleking still appeared in the opening credits.
Ultraman Max

Eleking, as seen in Ultraman Max.
A variant of Eleking with the subtitle of Discharge Dragon [1] appeared in Ultraman Max episodes 2 and 27.
Eleking seemed to appear out of nowhere in the middle of Tokyo, specifically in Area JT442, absorbing the city's electricity causing the city to black out. DASH soon arrived, and quickly found the monster feeding. But before they could launch an attack, Eleking seemed to disappear into nothing. In actuality Eleking shrunk down to the size of a small dog and was in the care of a lonely woman who is being manipulated by an unseen force. While in it's pen, Eleking laid an egg.

An image of Eleking's larva on DASH's screen
When Eleking revealed itself again, DASH used a special device that made sort of a dome around the area where Eleking was, thus allowing them to keep him in one spot keeping the beast from moving through any more parts of Tokyo. However, Eleking was able to pass through the dome when the woman carried him out in her purse. Eleking was finally confronted by Ultraman Max during its third raid and was ultimately destroyed by the Ultra Warrior. The egg that Eleking had previously laid disappeared from the woman's home afterwards. The Girl Who Keeps a Monster
The larval Eleking would breed many more, but it was not until months later when a man was discovered in a coma and a dead Eleking larva was found with him. DASH quickly analyzed the signal the dead alien creature was emitting and began to search for more of them. One was found by Mizuki and Kaito, but Mizuki was soon knocked into a coma after looking at the larval Eleking. Kaito was soon met with the Eleking creators, Alien Pitts. The Pitts easily beaten Kaito down and took off with the Max Spark. After Mizuki was sent to the medical bay she became furious and went off with DASH Alpha with the apparently dead Eleking larva that was actually still alive. When Kaito caught up to Mizuki a second full grown Eleking made itself known and DASH went after it. Kaito plucked the Eleking larva off Mizuki and was getting shocked by the little creature's surge. Mizuki called for DASH Bird 3 while Kaito fought the larval Eleking and soon threw him off. All the larval Elekings across the city were soon converted into energy by the Alien Pitts and sent back to their ship. The larval Elekings were destroyed along with the Alien Pitt ship. The Taken Max Spark
- This version of Eleking has cream-colored skin, which served as a homage to the original suit's coloration before it turned into the iconic yellow.
- In episode 27, Dash Bird shot one of Eleking's horns making it fall off but it appears later when Kaito transforms into Ultraman Max and in another scene when Max is punching Eleking, the horn is not there anymore.
- Unlike older versions of Eleking, this Eleking uses Kamacuras roars.
- This version of Eleking is the only one to include claws.
Ultraman Mebius

Lim Eleking
The data of the first Eleking that Ultraseven fought before was saved into the Ultra Guard's document in Crew GUYS Japan's database. Its combat data was among those implemented into the Maquette Miclas alongside those of Neronga and Eledortus to upgrade it into Eleki-Miclas. If Konomi's words were to be true, Eleking was one of the many Proto Maquette Monsters manufactured by the GUYS main headquarters for evaluation to Adjutant Toriyama, but the chance to use it (and most of the Proto Maquette Monsters) hit a dead end after the Zetton copy went rampant inside the Phoenix Nest's systems. Champion of the Fierce Fight
A small version of Eleking appeared in Ultraman Mebius as Lim Eleking, with "Lim" standing for "Limited," as Lim Eleking can only be active for 1 minute like all other Maquette Monsters. Each Lim Eleking is different, meaning that it is instantly re-spawning, but as different entities.

Lim Eleking's first appearance
Created by the particle accelerator that created Maquette Monsters malfunctioning beneath the base of GUYS, Lim Eleking was an offshoot mutation of nanomachines with data on the original Eleking from Ultraseven's time based on trauma the original Miclas experienced. Lim Eleking's first appearance made most of the members of GUYS nervous except Konomi. The miniature monster reappeared later that day as GUYS was eating lunch Lim Eleking was absorbing electricity from an electrical socket. George tried to pull it out only to get severely stunned. After the destruction of Bogarl it was decided that Lim Eleking would be GUYS' mascot and has popped up in different places through out the rest of Ultraman Mebius' time.
- Lim Eleking's chirping one time is actually the same sound of a bird and Dino Brace in Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger, screeching like the original Eleking and squeaks like a mouse.
- The Lim Eleking prop is no longer in use and is currently on display in Kohji Moritsugu's (the actor who played Ultraseven's human form Dan Moroboshi) restaurant in Kanagawa.
- The original prop, or a recreation of it, was used in Ultraman Taiga.
DX Ultra Cockpit: The Legendary Monsters Return! The birth of a Space King, Ark Bogarl!
An Eleking was part of Ark Bogarl's minions on terrorizing the Earth. Stationing at a lake, Eleking first fought against Crew GUYS members Ryu and the new recruit (player) in Ultra Hawk 1. When Seven summoned Miclas, Eleking defeated it with its Electric Tail. Seven then reappeared and defeated the monster with his Eye Slugger.
- In DX Ultra Cockpit, Eleking's scenes were mostly reused from Ultraseven, but the scene where players get to aim at the monster was portrayed by an attraction suit.
Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle and NEO

Rei's Eleking in Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle
- Main article: Rei's Eleking
An Eleking appears in Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle: Never Ending Odyssey and the Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle: Never Ending Odyssey sequel as one of the semi-recurring Kaiju. Originally started as a rogue Kaiju that almost threatening the safety of Planet Boris, it was accepted into Rei's collection of Battlenizer monsters to fight against the incoming threat on Boris. Eleking would later participate in the Reionics Battle and lost its life to Grande's Tyrant, but manages to spare its master from a similar fate by severing their bond at the last minute.
Mega Monster Battle Ultra Galaxy: The Movie
Eleking was one of Ultraman Belial's 100 Monster Army. He was first seen as a spirit in a shot of the Monster Graveyard with Gomess and Alien Reflect. He was then seen rising out of the ground along with Red King, Hoe, Banpira, King Guesra, Gudon, and Tyrant and then being re-captured by Ultraman Belial. He teams up with Banpira, Gan-Q, Pandon, Nova, Alien Metron, Alien Guts, King Joe Black, Verokron, Fire Golza, and Doragory to take on Ultraseven. Eleking was killed by Ultraseven's Emerium Beam. Mega Monster Battle Ultra Galaxy: The Movie
- Oddly enough, when Rei's Gomora went berserk and Belial ordered the remnants of his 100 Monster Army to retreat, Eleking's screeching could still be heard several times amidst the background of multiple monster noises despite Eleking being eliminated early in battle.

- Eleking is one of the monsters that makes up Belyudra's second support group in the movie.
- From this point on, all Elekings that were portrayed as bad were slightly 'hunched' over.
Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Adventure
50 years after the destruction of Planet Hammer, an EX Eleking was a Battlenizer monster under Alien Zarab's ownership, fighting against Alien Metron's EX Red King on Planet Boris. By the time Io Mikura and Pigmon returned from their time travel trip, EX Eleking was defeated by Vittorio's EX Gomora, followed by EX Red King.
In Mega Monster Battle: ULTRA MONSTERS, EX Eleking's role remains the same, but the protagonist fought against it while EX Red King would be preoccupied with EX Gomora. Additionally before this, a normal Eleking joined Neronga as Ghighi's monsters on Planet Aval.
Ultraman Ginga
Eleking participated in the Dark Spark War fighting alongside various monsters against Ultras until he was turned into a Spark Doll by Dark Lugiel. He along with many other monsters were seen cheering Ultraman Ginga on as he fought Dark Galberos. The Closed World
It is likely that he returned to space in his original form after Ultraman Ginga defeated Dark Lugiel in the final episode.
New Ultraman Retsuden

Eleking in Ginga
Eleking reappeared in New Ultraman Retsuden at the beginning of episode 12.
Eleking first appeared immediately confronting Ultraman Ginga. Eleking managed to get it's tail around Ginga's arms and waist but the tables were turned when Ginga used Ginga Thunderbolt. Eleking was defeated and turned back into a Spark Doll.
- Eleking appearing in the episode may be a reference to how a Eleking defeated by Ultraseven and "supernaturally" revived in Ultraman Taro's time, since the episode talked about the spirits of the monsters.
Ultraman Ginga S

Eleking reappeared in episode 2 of Ultraman Ginga S.
Originally part of Alien Chibull Exceller's collection, Eleking's Spark Doll was given to Android One Zero where she "MonsLived" into him and traveled underground in search of Victorium crystals at night, knocking out the electricity of many generators on the way.
The next day, Eleking was used as a mode of transportation for Android One Zero and then was sent into a rampage throughout the city after the user was shot by Arisa. After distracting her with EX Red King's Spark Doll via Victory Lancer, Sho transformed into Ultraman Victory to fight her. Both put up a great fight, until Eleking shocked him with his tail and blasted him with his electric discs. Hikaru Raido then transformed into Ultraman Ginga to help Sho. After Ginga scored several hits with his Ginga Spark Lance, Victory defeated Eleking with a Victory Kick, four Victorium Slashes, four punches of his EX Red King Knuckle, and finally with his signature move, the Victorium Shoot. Sho then gained Eleking's Spark Doll. Ginga VS Victory
He reappeared again in episode 8 as the second monster Ultlived by Hikaru to fight Five King, who at the moment was "MonsLived" by Alien Chibull Exceller. Eleking tried to shock his opponent, but it used its Gan-Q hand to absorb the electricity and send it right back at him, defeating him. Fight to the Death in the Morning Glow
Ultraman X
"Next time let's try this one. Come on, it'll be cute!"
- ―Rui as she amazes Cyber Eleking, A Voice From the Starry Sky.

Rui showing Daichi her designs of Cyber Eleking.
An Eleking Spark Doll was the first and only Spark Doll in Xio's possession prior to the arrival of Ultraman X. When the Aegis Shines The doll's data was used to create the artificial monster Cyber Eleking . This Cyber Kaiju is the center of Rui's attention, finding its appearance "cute".
Cyber Eleking was created by Xio using the data of an Eleking Spark Doll. While the Research and Development lab team failed to materialize Cyber Gomora, Rui Takada proposed Cyber Eleking to be used instead causing her and Daichi to argue over their favorite Kaiju. A Voice From the Starry Sky
Soon, Rui modified Cyber Eleking to arm X with, forming the Eleking Armor. A Song That Calls the Night
Eleking's Spark Doll is usually seen in a small, man-made environment in Xio similar to it's natural habitat to make them more emotionally stable. Feature Report! 24 Hours Inside Xio
In the final episode, after Greeza destroyed the Xio base, Eleking's Spark Doll was absorbed by Greeza and the alien copied Eleking's Electricity Whip as a result. After speaking out to Gomora and striking Greeza right in the center of his chest, Eleking, along with all of the other Spark Dolls, traveled to X and united with him. Cyber Eleking's power and shoulder pads were used to help form the Hybrid Armor and power up the Ultimate Xanadium to defeat Greeza once and for all. Eleking, along with the numerous other Cyber Cards and Spark Dolls, then appeared and thanked Daichi as he thanked them. The Rainbow Land
- It was revealed that the Eleking Armor's head was purposely made to be placed on the left shoulder, as Rui wanted the armor to be "cuter". Even X favors the armor more than the Gomora Armor.
- In an early draft, it was revealed that Cyber Eleking and Cyber Bemstar were supposed to have their own suit as well like Cyber Gomora, allowing Xio members in the field to utilize their respective Cyber Monsters and assist X in the battle.
- Cyber Eleking's gunmetal hide is part of its aerodynamic design.
Ultraman X The Movie: Here He Comes! Our Ultraman
Eleking's Cyber Card was also used in the movie, where its power created an electrical energy field in which to prevent Zaigorg from rampaging towards the Carlos Industries using the two satellites on top of the building, but Zaigorg summoned his minions, Gorg Antlar and Gorg Fire Golza and they destroyed the satellites with their signature beams, freeing their master in the process. Ultraman X The Movie: Here He Comes! Our Ultraman
Ultraman Orb
"Red King, Eleking, King Guesra, King of Mons, King Joe. The Five Kings Cards"
- ―Jugglus Juggler
Eleking reappeared in episode six of the series Ultraman Orb as a Kaiju Card used by Jugglus Juggler in a card game with Alien Nackle Nagus and Alien Metron Tarude.
Ultraman Geed
Eleking reappeared in episode 4 of Ultraman Geed where he emerged from a river and began to wreck mayhem throughout Hanmura as it went after it's own master, Alien Pitt Tri-Tip is in possession of a Little Star. In response, Riku Asakura transformed into Ultraman Geed to stop him. The two giants were evenly matched In combat as they started their fight. When the Kaiju unleashed his Light Blades at the Ultra, Geed dodged and blocked the attack at first as well as counterattacking with his own version of the attack and then blocked the attacks with his Geed Barrier as he charged at him, then put Eleking in a sleeper hold. Eleking then shook him off and then attacked Geed with his Electric Tail, resulting in the Ultra getting paralyzed for several seconds.
With his opponent seemingly defeated, Eleking resumed going after Tri-Tip. Moa tried to stop it with a weird plant owned by an Alien Hook that puts people to sleep, but it only changed Eleking's behavior and put Moa to sleep. Geed then got back up and transformed into his Solid Burning form and turned the tide of the fight in his favor by hitting the Kaiju with his Geed Slugger four times then with an Emerium Beam that hit his torso all the way to his head. Eleking was then destroyed by Geed's Boost Slugger Punch, which resulted in what's left of him to be contained by Kei Fukuide inside a Kaiju Capsule as well as the former Alien Pitt owner's Little Star to be converted into the Hikari Capsule for Geed to use later on. A Job Where You Investigate Aliens
- The way Eleking is defeated in Geed is quite similar to the way Seven defeated him in his original appearance. The order of attack is different between the two but the order is:
- The Ultra's respective Slugger cutting through Eleking (Seven performed this second)
- An Emerium Beam-like attack that hits Eleking's antenna. (Seven performed this first)
- A final cut to Eleking's head followed by an explosion.
Thunder Killer
- Main article: Thunder Killer
Eleking's Kaiju Capsule is used by Kei Fukuide as a component of Thunder Killer.
Ultraman Taiga

Acquired through unknown means, a Lim Eleking was one of Alien Chibull Mabuze's test subjects in his experiments to create the ultimate creature. I Can't Hear Your Voice
Sevenger Fight

Eleking about to accidentally shoot itself in Sevenger Fight.
Eleking appeared in episode 3 of Sevenger Fight. It was unleashed after its Alien Pitt masters' apprehension.
Haruki in Sevenger confronts him, armed with an oversized Howa Type 89 rifle created by Kojiro Inaba. Sevenger tries to shoot Eleking with the gun, but it jams, and he's forced to drop it and fight Eleking hand-to-hand as the eel monster begins lobbing rocks at him. Eventually, Eleking spots the gun on the floor, and picks it up. Taking aim at Sevenger, Eleking fired a single shot. As Haruki realised that Eleking knew how to use the gun, he began running away while Eleking gave chase. As the monster and machine both ran around in circles, both grew tired, with Sevenger weakened further by the exertion of throwing more rocks. Eleking prepared to fire another shot, but the gun jammed again. When he looked down the barrel, the rifle discharged, shooting Eleking in the head and killing him instantly. Sevenger made his way over to the fallen monster, checked its pulse, and confirmed that Eleking was no more. I'll Paint That Bullet With Your Blood

A second Eleking appears in episode 7, set several years after Ultraman Z. On another planet, Eleking was relaxing in a barren area, when all of a sudden, a Gazort tripped over him, then punched Eleking in the face unprovoked. The two monsters immediately began fighting. Eventually, Sevenger arrived with Yoko Nakashima as the pilot, having observed the battle from afar, and decided to intervene, but the monsters simply forced the machine out of the way before resuming the fight. Sevenger attempted to intervene twice more, but after these attempts also failed, drew a sword to defend against Gazort and Eleking. After taking Gazort out with a slash across its abdomen, Eleking was brought down after Sevenger vertically sliced the alien monster in the head with the weapon. However, as Sevenger attempted a victory pose, Reconstructed Pandon abruptly arrived and knocked the robot to the ground. The Lawless Monster Planet
- Eleking's use of Sevenger's gun, as well as his death after being shot by it in episode 3 of Sevenger Fight is a reference to his appearance in episode 194 of Ultra Fight, where he shot Keylla to death with an M16 rifle of a similar model to the one used by Sevenger, then died after he shot himself in the neck with it.
Ultraman Decker

Elly as it appeared in Ultraman Decker
An Eleking named Elly Sphere Barrier covering it. For an entire year, Yuko worked part time to make ends meet while taking care of Elly's well being by feeding it batteries. Possibly due to a combination of its overfeeding and the changes in the Earth's environment, Elly grew rapidly from its juvenile eel-like state to the size of a human adult, forcing Yuko to relocate the monster to the town's lake.
was a pet to the Alien Pitt named Yuko, who got stranded on Earth because of theWhile Yuko did her regular visits, Eleking would sneak out to feed on electricity on its own until it grew giant and feed on nearby substation. Elly's attack caught the attention of GUTS-Select, and together with Ichika Kirino's help, Yuko fed the monster with the TPU's emergency power supply. Unfortunately as Sawa Kaizaki predicted, Elly became violent and marched to the city. Ultraman Decker stopped the monster midway, but was quickly disoriented with voltages of electricity and barely escaped with Miclas' help. Using Miracle Type's power, Decker absorbed the excess electricity from Elly and reverted the monster to its eel-like juvenile form. Yuko gets to keep Elly under her care once again, this time with Sawa guiding her into feeding the monster to prevent it from growing into a giant again. Glutton of the Lake
- As is the case with Ultraman Geed, the eel-like form of the Discharge Dragon variant from Ultraman Max is used to portray Elly's juvenile state. The series also adds Lim Eleking from Ultraman Mebius and a human-sized Eleking from Heisei Ultraseven to Elly's growth cycle.
- Elly shares her name with Elly, DASH's android operator from Ultraman Max.
- This Eleking was given a newly created suit which resembled its first appearance.
Ultraman Blazar
Alien Bado and his aides, Alien Ghose and Alien Pitt, appeared before Earth with the intent to invade the planet. After examining the SKaRD and Ultraman Blazar's battles, a simulated match was held on Ghose's suggestion between their kaiju weapons, Eleking and Pandon, and Blazar, whose form was replicated based on the battle data that they had collected. However, the kaiju were overwhelmed by Blazar's brute strength and were taken down in just a few hits, forcing a retreat from Bado out of fear for their lives. Earth Invasion Plan
Ultraman: Rising
Although Eleking does not appear in person, his biological data is stored in the KDF database, suggesting that he was defeated by the KDF in a previous battle.Ultraman: Rising
Ultraman Arc

Eleking appears in Ultraman Arc.
Eleking appears as a guest kaiju in the series. During the K-DAY incident 16 years ago, it emerged from a lake near Guilin, China. The Wandering Future A picture of Eleking can be seen on the wall of Yuma's work area at the SKIP Hoshimoto Branch.
According to Gentosha's 21st Century Ultraman Declaration magazine, Eleking are naturally docile synthetic creatures living on Planet Pitt. They are actually a race of freshwater fish and herbivores cultivated by Alien Pitt. Once an Eleking grew, their juvenile stage took the fish aspect, while the adult version retain only its herbivore traits. The Eleking on Earth was ferocious due to being used as an invasion weapon despite their original reputation for being harmless and feeding on microorganisms and space plants.
As of the New Generation Heroes installments, two other variants of Eleking from the Heisei media are added as part of its growth cycle.

Larva (fish)
- Stats
- Height: 20 cm
- Weight: 500 g
- Origin: Planet Pitt ~ Kizo Valley lake
- Powers and Weapons
- Adept Swimmer: Being naturally space fishes, Eleking can only live on bodies of waters.
- Rapid Growth: Unlike Earth organisms, an Eleking can quickly grow from its minuscule appearance to a giant monster within several hours.

Larva (Eel)
- Powers and Weapons
- Electricity Feeding: In its eel-like state, Eleking can feed on electricity to sustain itself.
- Growth: As part of its growth cycle, Eleking is capable of growing to the state of Lim Eleking. It grows rapidly on Earth-like atmosphere and overfeeding it with electricity.

Lim Eleking
is a diminutive form of a normal Eleking, serving as a transition from its eel-like larva form to its full adult form. It originally appeared in Ultraman Mebius as a small offshoot of the Maquette Monster program, but later installments established it to be part of the actual monster's growth cycle.- Stats
- Height: 40 cm
- Weight: 4 kg
- Origin: Phoenix Nest, Eleking devolution (Rei's Eleking)
- Weakness: As with all Maquette Monsters, Eleking can only exist for 1 minute and if it vanishes, another individual would take its place.
- Powers and Weapons
- Electrical Absorption: Lim Eleking is capable of absorbing all forms of electricity, either as a form of feeding itself or powering its shock ability.
- Electric Surge Shock: So long as it has absorbed enough electricity, Lim Eleking can surge his body with electricity and the energy will channel through its body and shock anything that touches it, generate massive amounts of electricity, enough to repose an entire spaceship in just seconds.
- Ultraman Decker
- Growth: As part of its growth cycle, Eleking is capable of growing to its adult form. The speed of Eleking's growth varies depending on the environment it is in; on a planet with an atmosphere similar to that of Earth, and with an overabundance of sources of electricity, this process can take place at a much faster rate.

- Stats
- Height: 0.3 ~ 53 m
- Weight: 50 g ~ 25,000 t, 15,000 t (Ultra Fight)
- Tail Length: 85 m (Normal), 157 m (Extended)
- Origin: Planet Pitt ~ Kizo Valley lake (Showa)
- Attack: 1200 (Galaxy), 1300 (NEO)
- Defense: 800 (Galaxy), 900 (NEO)
- Speed: 800 (Galaxy), 700 (NEO)
- Weakness:
- Eleking receives commands from its rotating horns[2], which also act as radar-like eyes that can jam radio waves[1]. Destroying these horns would disconnect Eleking from its controller, aside from seemingly causing great pain and blinding the monster.
- In Ultraman Decker, it was revealed that if Eleking absorbs too much electricity at once, it will overload, causing even a peaceful individual to go berserk and rampage.
- Powers and Weapons
- Electric Tail [3]: Eleking can use its long tail to attack opponents. By wrapping opponents with its tail, Eleking can discharge up to 500,000 volts of electricity to the victim[1]. In Ginga S, the electricity is yellow in color. /Tail Discharge
- Electric Discharge Beam [1][2] Eleking produces electricity and fired from its mouth. The attack can go two ways. Either;
- Light Blade : Fired from its mouth, Eleking can launch blue or yellow, crescent-shaped, disc bursts of electric energy. These waves are ten times more powerful than lightning bolts and can create missile-strength blasts, causing moderate-sized explosions and large fires, and also surge electricity through an opponent. Eleking can even fire these in such rapid succession they develop a beam-like effect. It is also called Eldritch Shot .
- Lightning Bolt:[4] When needed, Eleking can launch a powerful bolt of lightning from his mouth. This bolt has tremendous firepower, enough to kill weaker monsters in one strike.
: - Adept Swimmer: Eleking is able to survive underwater even without being in tadpole form and can also swim very fast.
- Radar Horns: The horns on Eleking serve as the monsters' sole means of vision. During attacks, they can act as a pair of radars and also receiving command from their masters.
- Redman
- Gas Grenades: Eleking can fire gasoline grenades from his hands.
- Spin Tail Attack : Eleking spins its body and slams the opponent with its tail.
- Thunder Connection Neronga. Eleking wrapped Neronga's body with its tail to supercharge the latter with volts of electricity, before Neronga used both Eleking and its own power to deliver a huge lightning bolt attack towards the target. : A tag-team attack with
- Ultra Galaxy
- Signal-Jamming: The horns used by Eleking can also act to disrupt incoming radio waves.
- Eleking Collider : Focusing its power, Eleking can surge thousands of volts of electricity through any part of its body, delivering a nasty shock. In addition, by simply grabbing hold of a victim, Eleking can channel millions of volts into an opponent’s body through his touch, shocking anything and anybody that makes contact with him. His shocks are strong enough to kill/destroy monsters, if used long enough.
- Devolution: Eleking is capable of devolving itself into Lim Eleking.
- Ultraman Festival 2013
- Crescent Moon Rainbow Cutter : From Eleking's horns, they can summon several rainbow-colored crescents to attack the target a la Seven's Eye Slugger.
- Ultraman Geed
- Antennae Discharge : From its horns/antennae, Eleking can unleash a beam of electricity.
- Ultraman Club: Fight! Ultra Brothers!
- Flames: Eleking is able to breath fire.
- Sevenger Fight
- SAA Support Weapon 40mm General Purpose Autocannon Howa Type 89 rifle developed by Kojiro Inaba for Sevenger to wield, Eleking managed to steal it after Sevenger discarded the weapon after it jammed, managing to fire it successfully at the robot. However, this proved to be Eleking’s undoing after it accidentally shot itself with it. : Originally an enlarged version of the Japanese

Revived Eleking
- Stats
- Height: 53 m
- Weight: 15,000 t
- Origin: Kiso mountains
- Weakness: Like the original Eleking, its rotating horns were its main weaknesses and severing them can instantly kill the monster.
- Powers and Weapons
- Moonlight Artillery : Re-Eleking can emit and then release a stream of flames from both his "mouth" and from the tip of his tail. The flame is enhanced with its original electric powers, strengthening its effect to 10,000 degrees.
- Long Tail: Re-Eleking has an extremely long tail that he can use to coil/constrict around foes and whip them.

Eleking III
appeared in the Heisei Ultraseven special Operation: Solar Energy. Unlike the original which was a bio-weapon, this one's purpose was to remodel Earth's atmosphere by increasing global warming.- Stats
- Height: 20 cm ~ 53 m
- Weight: 500 g ~ 15,000 t
- Tail Length: 157 m
- Origin: Planet Pitt
- Powers and Weapons
- Electric Tail : Eleking III’s tail is very long and flexible, and he is capable of extending it long enough to be used as a whip or even a tentacle to constrict his foes. His tail can also deliver paralyzing electric shocks.
- Carbon Dioxide: Eleking III can spew pure carbon dioxide from its hands. This can cause both humans and Ultras to suffocate.

Eleking Larva
- Powers and Weapons
- Electrocution: A larval Eleking can electrocute their opponent by strangling their neck with its tail.
- Brainwave Absorption: Larval Elekings can absorb human brainwaves for feeding.
- Mind Control: Though not overly that powerful, a larval Eleking does possess an ability to control a person's mind so that they can protect it.
- Size Change: Eleking can change its size from that of a small toy, about a few inches, to that of a giant monster, about 56 m at will.

Eleking (Ultraman Max)
- Stats
- Height: 26 cm ~ 56 m
- Weight: 1.3 kg ~ 42,000 t
- Origin: Area JT-442
- Powers and Weapons
- Electron Beam : Eleking can fire yellow waves of electric energy from his "mouth;" Although they aren't very strong, these waves can create missile-strength blasts and also surge electricity through an opponent.
- Electric Tail: Focusing its power, Eleking can surge thousands of volts of electricity through any part of its body, including the end of its tail, delivering a nasty shock that can electrocute others.
- Electricity Absorbtion: Eleking is capable of absorbing electricity from nearly any power source around its body through its touch.
- Whip Tail: Eleking’s tail is extremely long and flexible, allowing it to be used as a whip or even a tentacle, ideal for choking, whipping, ensnaring, and constricting an opponent.
- Self-Reproduction: Once enough electrical energy is absorbed, Eleking can pull off a piece of its flesh that will immediately take the form of an egg, making way for another Eleking to be born.

EX Eleking
EX Eleking [5][6], alternatively named EX Eleking [7], is Eleking's eel-like and evolved form that first appeared in Ultraman Fighting Evolution Rebirth. It gains a new set of powers.
- Stats
- Height: Unknown
- Weight: Unknown
- Powers and Weapons
- Lightning Tail Rush : EX Eleking charges himself up with lighting and rushes through his opponent's body.
- Lightning Cutter : Based on the original Eleking's Light Blade.
- Lightning Tackle : EX Eleking charges his body with electricity and rushes towards the opponent.
- Lightning Attack: EX Eleking uses his body to coil his opponent, jump into the sky and release lighting all around the place.

Eleking Black
- Powers and Weapons
- Electric Discharge Beam : Eleking Black can fire three electrical discs at a time.

Eleking Poison
- Powers and Weapons
- Electric Discharge Beam : Eleking Poison can fire three, purple electrical discs at a time.
- Electric Tail : Eleking Poison can deliver paralyzing shocks of purple electricity.
- Body Electric: Eleking Poison can release purple electrical sparks from his body.

Hyper Eleking
is a monster who served under Ultraman Belial, appearing only in CR Pachinko Ultra Battle Retsuden: Fight Zero! The Strongest Young Warrior.- Powers and Weapons
- Wings: Hyper Eleking has a pair of large wings that it uses to fly.
- Electric Tail : Hyper Eleking retains its signature ability, which is to release electricity from its tail.
- Discharge Ray : Hyper Eleking can fire an energy ray from the crystal on its forehead.

Cyber Eleking
- Stats
- Height: 53 m
- Weight: 25,000 t
- Origin: Xio headquarters
- Cyber Power: 17/25
- Powers and Weapons
- Blaster Cannons: Cyber Eleking wields a pair of blaster cannons, giving it advantage in ranged combats.
- Electricity Manipulation: Cyber Eleking is capable of manipulating electricity to its liking.
- Electricity Generation: According to Rui, Cyber Eleking can generate tons of electricity which is capable of powering a fun fair/carnival for one night.
- Eleking Energy Shield Xio Devizer, its user can manipulate Eleking's power to create a containment shield that traps their targets in place. This allows external forces to launch an all-out attack while leaving its victims defenseless. : By loading Cyber Eleking into the
"Cyber Eleking Now Load: Cyber Eleking Armor, Active!"
- ―Transformation Announcement

Eleking Armor
Eleking Armor Cyber Card. X's left shoulder pad was given the design of Cyber Eleking's head but its antennae were altered, thus giving the appearance of a canine. With the appearance of Eleking's cannon on X's right arm, the design stimulates the appearance of an eel.
is a combination utilized by Ultraman X after scanning Eleking's- Weapons
- Blaster Cannon: Ultraman X gained one of Cyber Eleking's blasters that grants him advantage in long ranged combat.
- Electric Lasso: Ultraman X can launch an electric rope which capable of capturing his enemies.
- Eleking Electric Shockwave : Energy attack unleashed by the Blaster Cannon.

Sphere-Eleking Sphere-assimilated form of Eleking that appeared in both STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 at Ultra Heroes EXPO 2022 Summer Festival.
is a- Stats
- Powers and Weapons
- Enhanced Electrical Attacks: According to Kanata Asumi, the normal Eleking's preexisting electrical powers are enhanced due to its assimilation with the Spheres.
- Wormhole Creation: Sphere-Eleking can charge his electrical energy and fire a red beam, which, when combined with Sphere-Zetton's own beam, produces a wormhole to another universe.
Spark Doll
"MonsLive, Eleking!"
- ―MonsLive announcement via the Chibull Spark
"UlTrans, Eleking Tail!"
- ―UlTrans announcement via the Victory Lancer
"UltraLive, Eleking!"
- ―UltraLive announcement via the Ginga Light Spark

Eleking's Spark Doll was used in Ultraman Ginga S, where the item was revealed as part of Alien Chibull Exceller's collection. He gave it to Android One Zero for her to MonsLive with the Chibull Spark until it was lost to Sho, who used it for his own purposes.
- Stats
- Height: 14 cm
- Weight: 150 g
- Usage
- Android One Zero used it to MonsLive into the said Kaiju to battle Ultraman Victory and Ultraman Ginga before losing to Victory
- As Ultraman Victory, Sho used the doll to UITrans with his Victory Lancer to turn his right arm into the tail of Eleking, Eleking Tail . He used it against an army of Inpelaizers, Sadola (disappeared a few seconds after transformation), Hyper Zetton, Vict Lugiel, Aribunta, and Gua Spectre.
- Eleking was one of the three Spark Dolls that Hikaru Raido borrowed from Sho to fight Five King while the other UPG members were busy in reviving Ultraman Ginga and Victory. Right after EX Red King's defeat, he was swapped with Eleking where the electric monster electrify Five King but his attacks backfired by Gan-Q. Exhausted, he was replaced with King Joe Custom.
- Yapool took the UlTrans data from Victory and used it to modify Victory Killer so that he can use the Eleking Tail. First used to finish off Ultraman Ace.
Cultural References
Haitai Nanafa

Alien Temperor, Eleking, and King Joe in Haitai Nanafa
A moe anthropomorphism of Eleking appears in episode 20 of anime Haitai Nanafa.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
- ↑ 2.0 2.1
- ↑ Ultraman Geed Super Complete Works
- ↑
- ↑ 大怪獣バトルEX
- ↑ 大怪獣バトル ウルトラコロシアムDX
- ↑ ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution Rebirth パーフェクトガイド
Ultra Fight Kaiju | |
Agira | Alien Baltan | Alien Godola | Alien Goron | Alien Guts | Alien Icarus | Eleking | Gomora | Keronia | Keylla | Seabozu | Telesdon | Woo |
Chibira-kun Kaiju | |
Chibira | Pochi Pochi | Goruba | Papagon | Mamagon | Gakinko | Oxley | Pip | Alien Perolynga | Gebagoro | Donar | Hare Hare | Pukaro | Miclas | Alien Icarus | Woo | Alien Baltan | Alien Zarab | Kanegon | Alien Mechara | Peguila | Agira | Dorako | Booska | Eleking | Gokidon | King Maimai | Chamegon |
Redman Kaiju | |
Redman | Darkron | Black King | Arstron | Garamon | Alien Icarus | Dorako | Peguila | Jirahs | Alien Baltan | Alien Goron | Gomora | Woo | Kanegon | Alien Mefilas | Sadola | Dangar | Ghostron | Gokinezura | Eleking | Telesdon | Nokogilin | King Maimai | Sartan | Bemstar | Beacon | Gronken | Zaurs | Kingstron | Stegon | Alien Mysteler | Zagoras | Kodaigon | Granadas | Plooma | Sasahiller | Alien Centaurus | Gudon | Red Killer | Draculas | Shugaron | Alien Bat | Zetton II |
Unused Redman Kaiju | Big Liger | Graygas | Sufinga |
Ultra Super Fight Kaiju | |
Alien Baltan | Astromons | Eleking | Bemstar | Kemur | Alien Godola | Delusion Ultraseven | Alien Pegassa | Alien Metron | Zetton | Reconstructed Pandon | Pandon | Woo |
Ultraman Max Kaiju | |
Grangon | Lagoras | Eleking | Baby Eleking | Reguila | Alien Sran | Pigmon | Red King | Salamadon | Paragler | People of Nebula KJ-K5 (Kesam, Kerus, Kedam) | Bugdalas | Natsunomeryu | Metacisus | Antlar | Halen | Alien Zetton | Zetton | King Joe | IF | Mike, Kuro and Tama | Nina | Eraga | Alien Shamer | Alien Tarla | Gilfas | Cloudos | Gomora III | Madeus | Flygler | Alien Metron | Alien Neril | Alien Godley | Unizin | Alien Pitt | Luganoger | Lilika | Geronga | Lagoras Evo | Alien Moetaranga | Tiny Baltan | Dark Baltan | Hophop | Adam | Eve | Red King II | Alien Satun | Keplus | Delos People | Auto Maton | Scout Berserke | Satellite Berserke | Giga Berserke |
Ultra Zone Kaiju | |
Sadola | Alien Temperor | Bemstar | Hoe | Eleking | Telesdon | Gudon | Alien Zarab | King Guesra | Gan-Q | Deathrem | Alien Magma | Alien Babarue | Zetton | Red King | Alien Guts | Alien Valky | Alien Pitt | Alien Metron | Dada | Suflan | Birdon | Pigmon | Banpira | Lunaticks | Alien Mefilas | King Joe | Bemular |
Ultraman Blazar Kaiju | |
Ultraman Blazar | Bazanga | Gedos | Earth Garon | Taganular | Leviera | Dorgo | Alien Cannan | Nijikagachi | Garamon | Cicada Human | Baby Demaaga | Demaaga | Gebalga | Deltandal | Gavadon | Mogusion | Zangill | Zamsher | Irugo | Brood Gebalga | Firdran | Zugugan | Deltandal B | Red King II | Guigass | Alien Bado | Alien Pitt | Alien Ghose | Eleking | Pandon | Dada | Varallon | V99 |
Ultraman Blazar The Movie: Tokyo Kaiju Showdown | Earth Garon | Gongilgan | Alien Damuno | Taganular | Zugugan |
Manga | Tyrant | Earth Garon | Bazanga | Nijikagachi | Jaranga | King Joe | King Silvergon | King Guesra | Kingsaurus III |
Pre-series (Figure-Oh No.307) |
Extraterrestrial amorphous organism | Gakuma | Antlar | Mukadender | Silvergon | Kingsaurus III | Zumbolar | Goldon | Guesra | Leilons | Seagorath | Zonnel | Lagoras | Gokinezura | Majaba | Crescent | Cosmo Liquid | Pestar | Peguila | Magular | Red King |
Ultraman Arc Kaiju | |
Ultraman Arc | Rution | Digelos | Gomora | Red King II | Oo-ze | Shagong | Leodo | Monogelos | Nezutron | Livyjira | Alien Croco | Homger | Internet Kanegon | Neronga | Pagos | Noiseler | Oka-Gubila | Givas | Alien Meguma | Sweed | Zadime | Mogusion | Zangill | Gedos | Taganular | Bazanga | Hellnarak | Earth Garon | Supekkio (Gomess (SP)) | Red Sphere (Dori, King of Mons) | Man in the White Mask | Pillar | Biorno | Trigelos | Guilebaku | Ze Su |
Ultraman Arc The Movie | Alien Diggle Sascal | Alien Repo | Shagong | Guil Arc | Doglf | Repodios | Zerogelos | Gartura |
Pre-series | Chandlar | Eleking | Bemstar | Antlar | Houlinga | Neldorand | Takkong | Silvergon | Shieldron | Syazac | Leilons | Saramandora | Flygler | Guebasser | Raibasser | Demaaga | Gudon | Oka-Gubila | Barebadon | Peter | Gabora | Magular | Gubila | Guigass | Mukadender | Sadola | Birdon | Mogrudon | Telesdon | Ragon | Giestron | King Guesra |