The Delos People Ultraman Max. A race of ancient beings closely related to humans, the Delos People attempted to revert Earth to its original state by increasing the Earth's oxygen levels, their civilisation threatened by climate change created by humans on the surface. After sending their protectors, the Berserke, to attack humanity, only to realise the error of their ways, they urged Ultraman Max - who had previously been unable to intervene in a war between native civilisations - to stop the rampant Berserke, and learned there were kind hearted humans on the surface.
are the final antagonists ofSubtitle: Underground Civilization
Ultraman Max[]
The Delos People were an ancient race that lived under the earth's surface for many years until their race was threatened by the surface nations' manufacturing factories' toxic fumes. To save their race they sent a Scout Berserke to analyse the earth's current defender, Ultraman Max, and discover his most powerful attack and created a weapon powerful enough to overcome it.
After Ultraman Max destroyed Scout Berserke, the Delos People sent numerous automatons to Earth’s surface, threatening to attack within thirty hours if humans did not stop polluting the planet. Poseidon Base was quickly destroyed, prompting DASH to send Mizuki Koishikawa and Kaito Touma in DASH Bird 3 on a mission to burrow into the Earth's mantle. However, upon reaching their destination, DASH Bird 3 crashed, leaving Mizuki with severe internal injuries.
Kaito eventually reached the Delos city, where atmospheric converters had already appeared at every UDF base on Earth. He attempted to transform into Ultraman Max, but Max explained that he could not interfere in wars between native civilizations. Kaito was then attacked by Satellite Berserke. Just as it was about to kill him, Mizuki threatened to destroy the area with DASH Bird 3, but she was too weak and near death.
Moved by Kaito’s determination to save her, the Delos People realized that their plan to force Earth back to its original state was misguided. However, they had already launched the Giga Berserke and had no way to stop it. Kaito transformed into Ultraman Max and, after carrying Mizuki to the surface, engaged in battle with Giga Berserke.
- Actress: Shelley Sweeney
- Voice actress: Yuriko Yamamoto
- Though not the first underground people to attack the Earth, they are the first final threat in a series to originate from the Earth itself.
- The Delos People's motivations to attack humanity with their protectors out of damage humans caused to their civilisation is reminiscent to the motivation behind Seatopia's attack on the surface in the 1973 Godzilla film Godzilla vs. Megalon, in which the Seatopians attacked after an earthquake caused by a nuclear bomb test severely damaged their capital city, as well as the fact that they believed the humans were mistreating Earth.
- Stats
- Height: 1.8 m
- Weight: 50 kg
- Origin: Underground, Delos Civilization
- Powers and Weapons
- Technology: Delos People have highly advanced technology capable of creating atmospheric converters and robots like Giga Berserke.
- Berserke System Berserke themselves, plus a set of atmospheric modification towers that can convert carbon dioxide and nitrogen into pure oxygen. : An impressive technology system constructed by the Delos People, it consists of the
Ultraman Max[]
Ultraman Max Kaiju | |
Grangon | Lagoras | Eleking | Baby Eleking | Reguila | Alien Sran | Pigmon | Red King | Salamadon | Paragler | People of Nebula KJ-K5 (Kesam, Kerus, Kedam) | Bugdalas | Natsunomeryu | Metacisus | Antlar | Halen | Alien Zetton | Zetton | King Joe | IF | Mike, Kuro and Tama | Nina | Eraga | Alien Shamer | Alien Tarla | Gilfas | Cloudos | Gomora III | Madeus | Flygler | Alien Metron | Alien Neril | Alien Godley | Unizin | Alien Pitt | Luganoger | Lilika | Geronga | Lagoras Evo | Alien Moetaranga | Tiny Baltan | Dark Baltan | Hophop | Adam | Eve | Red King II | Alien Satun | Keplus | Delos People | Auto Maton | Scout Berserke | Satellite Berserke | Giga Berserke |