DARKNESS HEELS ―Lili―(Dākunesu Hīruzu Riri) is a manga series that is part of the DARKNESS HEELS project by Tsuburaya Productions. The series was written and illustrated by Shiro Tsunashima and distributed through Comic Walker.[1]
A volume containing the first three chapters was announced on January 14, 2022, and released on March 2, 2022.[2][3] To commemerate the release, the first chapter was made available on TSUBURAYA IMAGINATION for free. A second volume containing the remaining two chapters and an exclusive sixth chapter was released on July 27, 2022.[4]
For a long time, the people of Planet Hus have been divided into Upper and Lower classes, but in recent years, the conflict between them had been intensifying with the advent of the weapons called Battlenizers.[1]
An Upper Class girl named Lili confronts the Lower Class as a member of the Riot Control Unit, but questions her duties. While out on a mission, she hurries to rescue a young girl from a monster summoned from a Battlenizer. And then, a mysterious man in black appears in front of her and the monster.[1]