Ultra Kaiju Ultraman Series. The monsters featured in this category includes both evil and good, villainous and benign, heroes and hostiles. This category is the base category for all the monsters in the Ultraman Series, including Kaiju, Seijin, Terrible-Monsters, and imitation Ultras.
is the term for the monsters that appeared in theAll items (1549)
- Ultraman Mebius (Maquette)
- Ultraman Orb Dark
- Ultraman Shadow
- Ultraman Taiga Tri-Squad VoiceDrama Characters
- Ultraseven Geist
- Ultroid Zero
- Underground Men
- Underground People
- Undergroundmon
- Unidentified alien criminal
- Unidentified Aquatic Kaiju
- Unitang
- Unitoroda
- Univerlages
- Unizin
- Unused Space Beasts from Ultraman Nexus
- Uringa
- Usual
- Zaanmoth
- Zabangi
- Zabiden
- Zadime
- Zagoras
- Zaigon
- Zaigorg
- Zakira
- Zakuros
- Zamsher (Ultraman Mebius)
- Zamsher group
- Zamu Revenger
- Zanba
- Zandrias
- Zangill
- Zanika
- Zarabon
- Zaragas
- Zaranga
- Zarudon
- Zatan Silver
- Zaular
- Zazahn
- Zegun
- Zemistlar
- Zenekindarl people
- Zenna
- Zeppandon
- Zero One
- Zett
- Zetton
- Zetton Alien Baltan
- Zettora
- Zevuoz
- Zobua
- Zog
- Zoiger
- Zolin
- Zombayu
- Zomborg
- Zonnel
- Zoon
- Zora
- Zoruim
- Zugugan
- Zuma
- Zumbolar
- Zurasuimar
- Zuruzla